A Silent Voice (2013)

Koe no Katachi / 聲の形


  • Manga: A Silent Voice
    © 2013 Yoshitoki Ooima, Kodansha Ltd.
    • Japanese Koe no Katachi
      Type: Manga
      Status: Completed
      Published: 07.08.2013 ‑ 19.11.2014
      Volumes / Chapters: 7 / 62
      Publisher: Kodansha Ltd.
      Mangaka: Yoshitoki OOIMA Author & Illustrator
      Adapted From: Original Work
    • English A Silent Voice
      Status: Completed
      Published: 15.03.2014 ‑ 18.11.2014
      Volumes / Chapters: 7 / 62
    • German A Silent Voice
      Status: Completed
      Published: 01.07.2016 ‑ 29.06.2017
      Volumes / Chapters: 7 / 62
      Publisher: Egmont Manga
    • Synonyms: The Shape of Voice


Shouya Ishida is a very active child that regularly holds tests of courage with his friends to prove himself. He finds school life boring and cannot understand why his friends increasingly demand that he finally grows up. When one day, the deaf girl Shouko Nishimiya comes to his class, he initially enjoys bullying her. However, soon the “jokes” of the children go too far, and Shouko is forced to leave school. Blamed for this, Shouya now becomes an outsider himself. Six hard years later, the two of them meet again by chance. Has Shouya learned to listen, or is it too late to make up for mistakes of the past?
Shouya Ishida ist ein sehr aktives Kind. Mit seinen Freunden veranstaltet er regelmäßig Mutproben, um sich zu beweisen. Das Schulleben findet er langweilig und kann nicht verstehen, warum seine Freunde immer öfter von ihm verlangen, erwachsen zu werden. Als eines Tages das hörgeschädigte Mädchen Shouko Nishimiya in seine Klasse kommt, macht es ihm erst Spaß, sie zu ärgern; doch da ist scheinbar mehr …
Texto de presentación:
«Desearía no habernos conocido nunca. Desearía poder encontrarnos de nuevo.» La historia gira en torno a Shôko Nishimiya, una estudiante de primaria que es sorda y que al cambiarse de colegio comienza a sentir el bullying de sus nuevos compañeros. Uno de los principales responsables es Ishida Shôya quien termina por forzar que Nishimiya se cambie de escuela. Años después, Ishida busca la redención de sus malas acciones.
Testo della bandella:
Shoya Ishida frequenta le scuole elementari e non sopporta in alcun modo le ragazze. Adora invece mettersi alla prova con i compagni maschi, ingaggiando assurde prove di coraggio. Le cose cambiano quando nella sua classe arriva una nuova alunna, Shoko Nishimiya, una bambina non udente che usa un quaderno per comunicare con gli altri … Shoko viene subito presa di mira dai bulletti della scuola, in special modo da Shoya. Il ragazzino, però, non può ancora sapere che gli effetti del suo comportamento innescheranno la miccia che sconvolgerà la sua prospettiva sulle cose, stravolgendo il suo futuro e quello della sua compagna …
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