Oyasumi Jack the Ripper (2015)



  • Manga: Oyasumi Jack the Ripper
    © 2015 Ikuhiro Nao, Kodansha Ltd.
    • Japanese Oyasumi Jack the Ripper
      Type: Manga
      Status: Completed
      Published: 27.06.2015 ‑ 27.08.2016
      Volumes / Chapters: 3 / 15
      Publisher: Kodansha Ltd.
      Mangaka: Ai NINOMIYA Author Ikuhiro NAO Illustrator
      Adapted From: Original Work
    • German Good Night Jack the Ripper
      Status: Completed
      Published: 07.12.2017 ‑ 04.04.2018
      Volumes / Chapters: 3 / 15
      Publisher: Egmont Manga
    • Synonyms: Goodnight, Jack the Ripper


Oyasumi Jack the Ripper” is about the executioner Edward, who finds himself in hell one day. Among the monsters rioting down there, Ed meets the man who brought chaos to the world: Jack the Ripper.
In »Good Night Jack the Ripper« geht es um den Henker Edward, der sich eines Tages in der Hölle wiederfindet. Unter den ganzen Monstern, die dort unten randalieren, trifft Ed auch »den Mann«, der die Welt in Unruhe gestürzt hat: Jack the Ripper.
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