Living-Room Matsunaga-san (2016)

Living no Matsunaga-san / リビングの松永さん


  • Manga: Living-Room Matsunaga-san
    © 2017 Keiko Iwashita, Kodansha Ltd.
    • Japanese Living no Matsunaga-san
      Type: Manga
      Status: Completed
      Published: 24.12.2016 ‑ 24.06.2021
      Volumes / Chapters: 11 / 44
      Publisher: Kodansha Ltd.
      Mangaka: Keiko IWASHITA Author & Illustrator
      Adapted From: Original Work
    • English Living-Room Matsunaga-san
      Status: Completed
      Published: 19.12.2017 ‑ 22.02.2022
      Volumes / Chapters: 11 / 44
    • German Living with Matsunaga
      Status: Completed
      Published: 04.04.2019 ‑ 11.07.2022
      Volumes / Chapters: 11 / 44
      Publisher: Egmont Manga


Circumstances snatch high school student Miko Sonoda away from daily family life and into her uncle’s house. Five other more-or-less adults already live there, and she forms a flat-sharing community with them. Here she now has to learn to live with housework and new flatmates. Moreover, the oldest of them, 27-year-old designer Jun Matsunaga, is a little scary, although he always looks out for her.
Umstände entreißen die Oberschülerin Miko Sonoda aus dem normalen Familienleben in das Haus ihres Onkels. Dort wohnen bereits fünf andere mehr oder weniger Erwachsene, mit denen sie zusammen eine Wohngemeinschaft bildet. Hier muss sie nun lernen, mit Hausarbeit und neuen Mitbewohnern zu leben. Außerdem ist der älteste von ihnen, der 27-jährige Designer Jun Matsunaga, ein wenig beängstigend, obwohl er immer auf sie achtet.
Testo della bandella:
Per motivi familiari, Miiko è costretta a trasferirsi nella share house gestita dallo zio. La ragazza si ritrova così a dover svolgere le faccende domestiche, una cosa a cui non era per niente abituata, e ad abitare con dei coinquilini un po’ singolari. In particolare Matsunaga, il più grande del gruppo, le incute un po’ di timore, ma con il passare dei giorni scoprirà che in realtà è un ragazzo molto premuroso …
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