Until Your Bones Rot (2016)

Hone ga Kusaru made / 骨が腐るまで


  • Manga: Until Your Bones Rot
    © 2016 Yae Utsumi, Kodansha Ltd.
    • Japanese Hone ga Kusaru made
      Type: Manga
      Status: Completed
      Published: 07.10.2016 ‑ 11.02.2018
      Volumes / Chapters: 7 / 98
      Publisher: Kodansha Ltd.
      Mangaka: Yae UTSUMI Author & Illustrator
      Adapted From: Original Work
    • English Until Your Bones Rot
      Status: Completed
      Published: 17.10.2017 ‑ 24.07.2018
      Volumes / Chapters: 7 / 98
    • German Bis deine Knochen verrotten
      Status: Completed
      Published: 26.04.2018 ‑ 18.04.2019
      Volumes / Chapters: 7 / 98
      Publisher: Altraverse GmbH
    • Synonyms: Stand by Me, my Dear


It all started when a couple of 11-year-old children killed a man one summer night and buried his body …

Since then, a ritual has been held every year on a summer night so that the children never forget what they did back then. By now they are 16 and the corpse has long since become a skeleton. More mysterious and dramatic events follow and the world of the children suddenly turns into hell …
Alles begann damit, dass ein paar 11-jährige Kinder in einer Sommernacht einen Mann töten und dessen Leiche vergruben …

Seitdem wird jährlich in einer Sommernacht ein Ritual abgehalten, damit die Kinder niemals vergessen, was sie damals getan haben. Mittlerweile sind sie 16 und die Leiche ist längst ein Skelett. Es folgen weitere mysteriöse sowie dramatische Handlungen und die Welt der Kinder wird plötzlich zur Hölle …
Testo della bandella:
Shintaro, Tsubaki, Akira, Haruka e Ryu hanno giurato che non riveleranno mai il loro segreto. Un segreto che li unisce da cinque anni. Cosa stanno nascondendo? Perché nessun altro deve venirne a conoscenza? Quando una misteriosa telefonata rompe il silenzio… inizia l’inferno!
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