A Distant Neighborhood (1998)

Haruka na Machi e / 遥かな町へ


  • Manga: A Distant Neighborhood
    © 1998 Jiroo Taniguchi, Shougakukan Inc.
    • Japanese Haruka na Machi e
      Type: Manga
      Status: Completed
      Published: 10.04.1998 ‑ 25.11.1998
      Volumes / Chapters: 2 / 16
      Publisher: Shougakukan Inc.
      Mangaka: Jiroo TANIGUCHI Author & Illustrator
      Adapted From: Original Work
    • English A Distant Neighborhood
      Status: Completed
      Published: 30.06.2009 ‑ 01.09.2009
      Volumes / Chapters: 2 / 16
    • German Vertraute Fremde
      Status: Completed
      Published: 08.2007
      Volumes / Chapters: 1 / 16
      Publisher: Carlsen Manga
    • Synonyms: Harukana Machi e


Who hasn’t dreamt of going back to childhood? But who has actually made the journey? Hiroshi Nakahara is a forty-something salaryman returning to Tokyo from an intense business trip. He is tired and somewhat hungover as he boards his train at Kyoto’s enormous station. He awakens to discover he is traveling back to the town of his upbringing, not Tokyo. Memories of his mother surface and he realizes he has the same age as her when she died. Arriving in Kurayoshi he is drawn through his distant neighborhood to the cemetery and his mother’s grave. Here, under a late afternoon moon, he is transported back into his 14 year-old body and life whilst retaining all the character and experience of the adult. Will he change his past or be forever condemned to relive each painful moment? That fateful day his father disappeared without explanation, the death of his mother ... would he ever see his wife and daughters again? Master manga-ka Taniguchi at his most powerful with the art individually reversed to western style by craftsman Frédéric Boilet.
Hiroshi Nakahara steigt nach einer Geschäftsreise in den falschen Zug. Die Endstation der Strecke: seine Geburtsstadt. Jahrelang war er nicht mehr in Kurayoshi und beschließt, das Grab seiner Mutter zu besuchen. Auf dem Friedhof fällt er in eine Art Ohnmacht. Als er zu sich kommt, findet er sich in seinem Körper als 14-jähriger wieder. Er beginnt das Leben als Teenager in den 1960er Jahren zu führen, fügt sich ein in den Alltag des Sohnes und Schülers ‒ immer mit dem Wissensstand des Erwachsenen. Und er will die Gelegenheit nutzen, möchte herausfinden was damals nicht stimmte im scheinbar harmonischen Elternhaus. Denn im Sommer 1963 verließ sein Vater die Familie ohne jegliche Ankündigung …
Texto de presentación:
Hiroshi Nakahara se encuentra de regreso a casa tras un viaje de negocios cuando se percata de que, por error, ha tomado un tren que le conduce a su barrio natal. Sus pasos le dirigen de forma inconsciente hacia la tumba de su madre y, repentinamente, se ve catapultado a su infancia, con todos sus recuerdos y conocimientos de adulto intactos. Mientras se debate por encontrar un sentido a lo sucedido, los recuerdos acerca de su niñez le atenazan y comienza a formularse preguntas...

Barrio lejano, de Jiro Taniguchi, es una reflexiva e inquietante historia concebida por un maestro de la narración en la plenitud de su carrera.
Texte du rabat
De retour d’un voyage d’affaires, Hiroshi fait un détour involontaire par sa ville natale, où il perd connaissance. A son réveil, il retrouve son corps d’adolescent et son passé. Une chance inespérée d’empêcher l’évènement qui va bientôt déchirer sa famille?

Quartier lointain nous invite à nous demander comment poser, au-delà de l’amour filial, un regard adulte sur les choix de nos parents.

Testo della bandella:

Dopo un viag­gio di lavoro, Hiro­shi Naka­hara capita sul treno sba­gliato e fini­sce nel suo paese d’origine. Men­tre visita la tomba di fami­glia improv­vi­sa­mente accade qual­cosa di strano e Hiro­shi si ritrova nel pas­sato, nel corpo di se stesso a 14 anni. Ha così una seconda pos­si­bi­lità per rivi­vere la pro­pria ado­le­scenza con la con­sa­pe­vo­lezza e la memo­ria di un adulto, ma anche un’occasione per inda­gare sui nodi irri­solti del pro­prio pas­sato e sulla miste­riosa scom­parsa del padre.

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