Edens Zero (2018)




A short plot summary about the manga “Edens Zero” would help many anime and manga fans decide whether they want to watch this show or not. Do you know what “Edens Zero” is all about? Then feel free to add a description to our database using our entry form. We’re looking forward to your contributions!
Shiki Granbell ist ein Waisenjunge, der in einem verlassenen Themenpark inmitten von Animatronics auf einem Planeten im Sakura-Kosmos aufwächst. Als eines Tages die Weltraumabenteurer Rebecca und ihre Katze Happy auf diesem Planeten landen, verändert sich Shikis Leben schlagartig. Er wird nämlich von seinen Animatronics-Freunden verstoßen und so schließt er sich Rebecca, Happy und ihrer Abenteurergilde an, um den Weltraum zu erforschen und neue Freunde zu treffen.
Testo della bandella:
Il giovane Shiki vive sul pianeta Granbell insieme ai robot che animano un vastissimo parco a tema. Un giorno arrivano due visitatori, i primi a mettere piede su Granbell da circa un secolo: Rebecca, una giovane creatrice di contenuti digitali, e il suo gatto blu Happy. I tre vanno subito d’accordo e diventano amici… Ancora non sanno che questo incontro cambierà i loro destini!
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    The Grand Magic Games, Day 3 … Pandemonium. I think I’ll never forget the events of this day. As she becomes covered with wounds, the fairy that should have fallen to earth dances. Here is Titania. Almost like … a scarlet flower, blooming fully with pride.


    We need to unite. The exam split us apart and we prioritized ourselves over our allies. But we can’t stay like that now. The enemy is a great one! Therefore, we, Fairy Tail, must combine our strength and win!

  • Natsu DRAGNEEL

    I wont stop fighting when im tired, I’ll stop fighting when you’ve shattered my heart into a thousand pieces!

  • Natsu DRAGNEEL

    I’ll keep my promise, I’ll save the world

  • Natsu DRAGNEEL

    Comrades are comrades because they help each other out.




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