Warriors (2007)


  • Manga: Warriors
    • English Warriors
      Type: Manga
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 24.04.2007 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: 4+ / 12+
      Publisher: Tokyopop Group
      Mangaka: Erin HUNTER Original Creator
      Adapted From: Novel
    • German Warrior Cats
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 11.2008 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: 4+ / 12+
      Publisher: Tokyopop GmbH


When the Twolegs destroy the warrior Clans' forest home, Graystripe--second in command of ThunderClan--is captured while trying to help his comrades escape! However, Graystripe soon discovers that the captive life as a pampered kittypet isn’t all that bad. The cozy Twoleg nest and his new, affectionate family help Graystripe put his Clan days behind him. Still, nothing compares to the life of a warrior! With a new kittypet ally, Millie, by his side, will Graystripe ever find his way back to the Clan?
Basierend auf der erfolgreichen Romanserie von Erin Hunter feiern die Warrior Cats endlich ihr Manga-Debüt. In actionreichen, emotionalen Erzählungen gibt der Manga Antworten auf bislang unbeantwortete Fragen aus den Romanen. In der ersten von 3 Trilogien (bestehend aus je 3 Bänden) erfahren wir, was der edle Krieger Graustreif während seines Exils im Revier der Zweibeiner getrieben hat.
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