A Drifting Life (2008)

Gekiga Hyouryuu / 劇画漂流


  • Manga: A Drifting Life
    • Japanese Gekiga Hyouryuu
      Gekiga Hyōryū
      Type: Manga
      Status: Completed
      Published: 20.11.2008 ‑ 01.12.2008
      Volumes / Chapters: 2 / 48
      Mangaka: Yoshihiro TATSUMI Author & Illustrator
      Adapted From: Original Work
    • English A Drifting Life
      Status: Completed
      Published: 14.04.2009
      Volumes / Chapters: 1 / 48
    • German Gegen den Strom: Eine Autobiografie in Bildern
      Status: Completed
      Published: 29.05.2012
      Volumes / Chapters: 1 / 48
      Publisher: Carlsen Manga


Acclaimed for his visionary short-story collections The Push Man and Other Stories, Abandon the Old in Tokyo, and Good-Bye — originally created nearly forty years ago, but just as resonant now as ever — the legendary Japanese cartoonist Yoshihiro Tatsumi has come to be recognized in North America as a precursor of today’s graphic novel movement. A Drifting Life is his monumental memoir eleven years in the making, beginning with his experiences as a child in Osaka, growing up as part of a country burdened by the shadows of World War II.

Spanning fifteen years from August of 1945 to June of 1960, Tatsumi’s stand-in protagonist, Hiroshi, faces his father’s financial burdens and his parents’ failing marriage, his jealous brother’s deteriorating health, and the innumerable pitfalls that await him in the competitive manga market of mid-twentieth-century Japan. He dreams of following in the considerable footsteps of his idol, manga artist Osamu Tezuka (Astro Boy, Apollo’s Song, Kirihito, Buddha) — with whom Tatsumi eventually became peers and, at times, stylistic rivals.
In dieser preisgekrönten Autobiografie beschreibt Tatsumi ebenso unterhaltsam wie informativ seinen Werdegang vom jungen ambitionierten Hobbyzeichner in den 1950er-Jahren zum heute weltweit hoch angesehenen Comickünstler. Zunächst fasziniert und animiert vom großen Vorbild Osamu Tezuka, findet Tatsumi schnell seinen eigenen Stil. Mit wachsamem Blick auf die aktuelle Zeitgeschichte und ihre kulturellen Entwicklungen im In- und Ausland zieht der Meister der »Gekiga«, der dramatischen und realistischen Bildergeschichten, in seinen Memoiren die Bilanz einer leidenschaftlichen Karriere.
Texto de presentación:
Yoshihiro Tatsumi es una figura seminal en la historia del cómic japonés, cuya obra goza de reconocimiento mundial. Es el padre del gekiga, un tipo de cómic diferente, más culto y literario que la mayoría de los manga de su época, y que puede considerarse el equivalente de la actual novela gráfica. Una vida errante ofrece un relato en dos tomos en primera persona de la evolución del manga desde que era considerado una “cosa de niños” hasta que se convierte en una parte vital del paisaje cultural japonés.
Testo della bandella:
Yoshihiro Tatsumi è una delle figure chiave del manga moderno. Profondo innovatore, è stato il pioniere del movimento realistico gekiga, che ha portato la sua carriera a percorrere un binario parallelo a quella del suo mentore, Osamu Tezuka, del quale pure non è mai stato allievo. In questo ponderoso volume, Tatsumi racconta degli inizi, nel secondo dopoguerra, tratteggiando un affresco doloroso, ma lucido, sul Giappone della ricostruzione e sulla nascita di uno dei più importanti movimenti nella lunga e variegata storia del manga.
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