Puella Magi Oriko Magica (2011)

Mahou Shoujo Oriko Magica / 魔法少女おりこ☆マギカ


  • Manga: Puella Magi Oriko Magica
    © 2011 Kuroe Mura, Houbunsha Co. Ltd.
    • Japanese Mahou Shoujo Oriko Magica
      Mahō Shōjo Oriko Magica
      Type: Manga
      Status: Completed
      Published: 12.05.2011 ‑ 13.06.2011
      Volumes / Chapters: 2 / 7
      Mangaka: Gen UROBUCHI Author Kuroe MURA Illustrator Magica Quartet Original Creator
      Adapted From: Anime
    • English Puella Magi Oriko Magica
      Status: Completed
      Published: 23.07.2013 ‑ 29.10.2013
      Volumes / Chapters: 2 / 7
      Publisher: Yen Press, LLC
    • German Puella Magi Oriko Magica
      Status: Completed
      Published: 24.12.2013 ‑ 18.03.2014
      Volumes / Chapters: 2 / 7
      Publisher: Carlsen Manga


Oriko, a magical girl with the gift of foresight, knows the fate that awaits all who accept Kyubey’s offer of supernatural powers. But when she is struck with a terrible vision of the future—of the devastation caused by a single, powerful witch—she decides to prevent the girl from becoming a magical girl in the first place. To draw Kyubey away from the girl’s potential, Oriko directs him instead to Yuma, an orphan who is all too eager to gain powers that will enable her to protect herself—powers that will ultimately lead to her own destruction…
Das Magical Girl Oriko hat eine ganz besondere Gabe: Sie kennt das Schicksal jeder, welche den Pakt mit Kyubey schließt. Als sie eine Schreckensvision der Zukunft sieht, beschließt sie mit allen Mitteln diese Zukunft zu verhindern. Dafür muss sie um jeden Preis verhindern, dass ein Pakt zustande kommt und ein bestimmtes Mädchen zum Magical Girl wird … um jeden Preis!

Testo della bandella:

Quali avventure avrebbero potuto affrontare le protagoniste di Puella Magi Madoka Magica se la storia fosse stata diversa, e magari fossero comparse altre maghe? La risposta in questa nuova serie in due volumi, che ha per protagoniste le puella magi Kyoko, Homura, Mami e una nuova e misteriosa maga il cui obiettivo non sembra essere quello di uccidere le streghe, bensì…

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  • Sayaka MIKI

    Whenever we pray for somebody’s happiness, someone else must be cursed in exchange. Turns out that’s how we magical girls work… I really was an idiot.

  • Kyouko SAKURA

    Miracles aren’t free, you know. If you wish for hope, an equal amount of despair will be rained down upon you, too. That’s how everything stays in equilibrium…….. and the world’s balance doesn’t get disturbed.

  • Homura AKEMI

    So how about we become monsters together… and turn this world upside down?

  • Homura AKEMI

    Remember this and take it to heart, kindness sometimes leads to even greater tragedy.

  • Homura AKEMI

    Do you treasure the world you live in or would you break its laws to follow your heart?




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