Love at Fourteen (2010)

14-sai no Koi / 14歳の恋


  • Manga: Love at Fourteen
    • Japanese 14-sai no Koi
      Type: Manga
      Status: Completed
      Published: 30.06.2010 ‑ 29.10.2021
      Volumes / Chapters: 12 / 50
      Publisher: Hakusensha, Inc.
      Mangaka: Fuka MIZUTANI Author & Illustrator
      Adapted From: Original Work
    • English Love at Fourteen
      Status: Completed
      Published: 16.12.2014 ‑ 13.12.2022
      Volumes / Chapters: 12 / 50
      Publisher: Yen Press, LLC
    • Spanish Love At Fourteen
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 29.08.2019 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: 4+ / ?
    • Synonyms: Jyuuyon-Sai no Koi, Love Fourteen


The second year of junior high, when most students are in the throes of puberty and feeling the pangs of first love. It’s no different for Kanata Tanaka and Kazuki Yoshikawa, a boy and a girl who have been friends since elementary school. But even though Kanata and Kazuki are at the same point in life as their classmates, an air of adulthood sets the two apart. Kanata is taller and more attractive than the other girls, but the boys stay away because she seems too mature for them. Kazuki too stands out from the other boys, but the girls are wary of him because he seems like a player. And so, Kanata and Kazuki are thrown together in a charming, bittersweet tale of two very adult students falling in love like the teenagers they are.
Eine Geschichte über zwei, für ihr Alter ungewöhnlich reife, Mittelschüler. Sie sind beide intelligent, sie sind zusammen und sie lieben einander. Aber wie erwachsen sie sich auch geben mögen, sie sind erst 14 Jahre alt und ihre Gefühle für einander sind geprägt von Zärtlichkeit und Unschuld.
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