Flame of Recca - Vol. 28

Product Information

  • Flame of Recca - Vol. 28
    • en Flame of Recca - Vol. 28
      Type: Manga
      Published: 12. Aug 2008
      Age recommendation: 16
      Medium: Book
      Publisher: VIZ Media, LLC
      Length: 12,7 cm
      Width: 1,5 cm
      Height: 19,1 cm
      Weight: 0,2 kg
      Pages: 208
      Languages: English
      Author: Anzai, Nobuyuki
      EAN: 9781421516806
      ISBN: 1421516802
    Available in the following online stores:
    Possibly available at the following online stores:
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Deep in the labyrinthine fortress city, Team Hokage learns that it isn't easy to play Kôran Mori's deadly games. The devious Kirito stays one skip ahead of poor, gullible Fuko. Domon gets his crumpet burned when he takes tea at Marie's House. Kaoru just keeps running into one creepy guy after another. Even Kagerô's powers may not be enough to stop the darkest forces of SODOM. And while the rest of the gang squirms in the clutches of ultimate evil, where the heck is Recca?



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