舞-乙HiME Mai-Otome

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German 舞-乙HiME Mai-Otome

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舞-乙HiME Mai-Otome

2200.jpgAuthor: Hiroyuki YOSHINO
Illustrator: Ken'etsu SATOU
Typ: Manga
Status: abgeschlossen
Bände / Kapitel: 5 / 44
Veröffentlicht: 10.12.2005 ‑ 08.08.2006
Genre: Action, Drama, Magical Girl, Harem, Comedy
Publisher: Akita Shoten Co., Ltd.


Mashiro ist gerade auf die Mädchenschule Garderobe gewechselt und keiner weiß, dass sie eigentlich ein Junge ist. Verzweifelt versuchte er der Jungenschule zu entkommen und gab sich als die verstorbene Mashiro aus. Aufgrund "ihres" königlichen Status versuchen Mitglieder der Organisation Schwartz ihn zu töten. Überdies schloss er unfreiwillig einen Vertrag mit Arika Yumemiya, die unerwartet seine Otome wurde, als sie versuchte Mashiro vor einem Schwartz-Mitglied zu schützen.


Band 1

200?cb=20130412161242English Chapter Titles:
1. Girl? Meets♀Girls
2. The Secret Flower Garden!?
3. Heaven and Hell!?
4. Battle of the Otome
5. Things (I) want to Protect
6. Don't tell Anyone
7. Schwarz Entry
8. A Talk About Politics

Band 2

200?cb=20130414093709English Chapter Titles:
9. Garderobe Escape
10. King's Return
11. Revolutionary Soldier
12. Meister Robe
13. Erstin Ho's Tragedy
14. Super Weapon
15. Otome's Pinch!?
16. Otome VS Maid
17. Prisoner No.17

Band 3

200?cb=20130419193510English Chapter Titles:
18. An Impact of Divine Terror
19. Beautiful Pursuer
20. To the Black Valley
21. Reunion
22. The King's Decision
23. Blue Sky Sapphire
24.Decisive Round of Butou
25. Leaking of Classified Information
26. The Meaning of Power

Band 4

200?cb=20130523175836&format=webpEnglish Chapter Titles:
27. A Time of Farewell
28. Coronation Day
29. A Throne of Blood
30. Two Queens
31. An Otome's Vow
23. Fuuka Palace is Burning Down
33. The Door of Memories
34. Garderobe Assault
35. A Memory of Flames

Band 5

200?cb=20130523181647&format=webpEnglish Chapter Titles:
36. Decision of an Otome
37. Time of Resurrection
38. Materialize!!
39. HiME VS Otome
40. Returning Memories
41. A Stone that becomes Pure White
42. Truth
43. Jet Black Despair
44. Welcome to Garderobe
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Nomenklatur (engl.)


officially 乙-type HiME - 乙-type Highly-advanced Materialising Equipment. A female virgin who serves as a bodyguard and servant to an important political figure, they have the power to Materialize special Robes and weapons known as Elements because of special nanomachines. As with Hime in My-HiME otome is a pun as in Japanese it can mean maiden or virgin which is appropriate since all Otome need to be virgins to retain their powers, as the nanomachines are destroyed upon contact with a chemical found in sperm.


Generable (sic) Enigmatic Matrix, as explained in Chapters 1 and 2. The source of an Otome's power.


The weapon of an Otome, examples include Shizuru's whip like katana and Arika's blue crystal lance.


A creature summoned by a contract using one's own blood. The lifeforce of a SLAVE is connected to that of the summoner, meaning if the slave is killed the owner perishes along with it much like the Key and Child bond in My-HiME.


Reinforceing (sic) Enigmatic Matrix. A Schwarz-modified version of Garderobe's GEM. Used by Midori. It appears to allow the user access to their own Robe, as opposed to invisibly enhancing the user like the anime's does, although since Midori's is the only one seen, no generalisation of its abilities can be made. Midori's REM allows her to draw on the power of her minions. Unlike the anime, Yohko does not eventually upgrade it to have infinite duration. Compatible with Garderobe's nanomachines, allowing Arika to briefly Materialise by using it in Chapters 36 and 37.


Multi-purpose Assistant-type Independent Droid. A series of robots based on Miyu that are being developed in Aries. They are "perfect and flawless". No anime equivalent exists.

Beautiful Power (Miryoku)

A form of energy that powers special attacks by the Otome. Some otome have special charge-up attacks such as Arika's 'Bolt from the Blue', Nao's 'Bloody Stripe Circus', and Natsuki's 'Howling Silver Wolf' but are much different from Miryoku. The special attacks an Otome use that are powered by this are unique to each and usually one Otome only has one, but more powerful Otomes like Arika and Nina have multiple.


Formal ceremonial battles between Otome. Students may also engage in them. All of these special battles must be approved first, as they are subject to strict rules and procedures.
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A - L

Akane Soir

288?cb=20130506181115&format=webpIn the manga she is still one of the Pearls and one quarter of the Trias. She temporarily leaves Garderobe in an attempt to find the missing Kazuya, and was willing to give up her Otome-hood (virginity) to be with him. She changes her mind after learning that he is a member of Schwarz and proceeds to "deal with him" after he attacks Arika and attempts to mate with her using a tentacled SLAVE. She eventually gained the Robe of her anime counterpart, although how this came about was unexplained. When the true Mashiro awakens the HIMEs Akane is on of them but is totally different from her Otome-self. The Akane HIME is a dirty, nudy person and emberasses Akane with her appearance.

Alyssa Kruger

Sister of Natsuki Kruger.

Arika Yumemiya

180?cb=20130505104218&format=webpIn the Otome manga, Arika's role is somewhat reduced into that of a comedy sidekick, in favor of a different leading character. Her childishness and unawareness of things is nearly taken to a level of being mentally retarded - a topic which the school administration keeps bringing up from time to time. One manifestation of this was her ignorance of the uses of a hotel room. On the other hand, she often displays remarkable talent in actual battle, leaving her fellow students far behind. 01 061 When she first appears in the manga, it is after Mashiro accidentally bumps into her. Arika is already an Otome, but ranked at the low position of No. 51. A stickler for grammatical accuracy, she takes it upon herself to correct Mashiro's various language-related gaffes. She often sleeps in class. Lacking the sponsorship of Sergay that her anime version had, she has to take on multiple jobs to pay for her education, to the detriment of her results. She was the first to respond to the attack on the Artai embassy by Schwarz, attempting to battle Lumen bare-handed. Arika in the manga's Ultimate Blue Sky Sapphire RobeAlthough Mashiro had made temporary contracts with her using the Blue Sky Sapphire before, it is not until Chapter 23 that she and Mashiro formally make their contract with the Blue Sky Sapphire, as opposed to the earlier Episode 7 in the anime. This was also at Lena's urging, instead of being accidental like in the anime. Arika had always been in search of her parents and a Star Wars-esque revelation by Rad that he was her father caused her much concern. The Otome manga's version of Kazuya led her to go to the Black Valley in search of the truth, where she found Lena as well. Initially she refused to believe that Rad was her father, but she finally acknowledged him before he died. ArikaMangaUltimateBSS Blue Sky Sapphire in the manga When she was younger, her hometown was attacked and razed by mysterious assailants, a reprassed memory that was freed when she saw Kagutsuchi, leading to her going hysterical and speaking of dragons and calling for her mother and grandmother before fainting. She was left behind to go with Midori and the refugees, but wanted to go back and fight. At her insistence, Midori lent her the REM so she could Materialise. Although she lost her power once again due to the REM having reached the limit of its use time, she gained the Ultimate form of the Blue Sky Sapphire Robe by linking hands with Manshiro as Lena instructed. With this new power she beats off Mai and gains temporary victory, only to lose Lena to her sacrificial entry into the Predecessor core. Nevertheless, she continues aiding Manshiro in battle. When Mashiro trapped Mashiro in a projection within the Fuuka Academy and told her and Nina to battle it out in order to save him, she chose not to. Mai, renewed, obeys Mashiro's instruction to attack and Arika went to confront Mai and Kagutsuchi alone on the basis of what she believed was Manshiro's being her younger brother. As she was about to sacrifice herself to kill Mai, however, Mashiro saved her. Her belief that she and Manshiro were siblings was shattered by Sergay's revelation that Manshiro had only been given into Lena's hands by Emperor Tate and Empress Mai. Shortly after, Fumi Materialized and she proved no match. However, the intervention of Erstin saved her and she lent her power to Manshiro to conduct the Trinity Lover Strike that destroyed Fumi and the revived HiMEs.

Carla Bellini

Lutesia Romulus' Otome, the Rumbling Thunder Garnet

Charles Guinel

The king of Florince. He seeks a new Otome to replace his retiring Otome, Rosalie.

Chie Hallard

In the manga version of My-Otome, Chie's role is far smaller. Without the antagonism of Tomoe or the existence of the Valkyries, both of which were major plot points in which her anime counterpart had a part to play, she becomes mainly a background character. Her importance is further downplayed by the fact that she still uses the standard Pearl Robe whereas her fellow members of the Trias use Meister-level Robes. She is still seen in the "group shot" of the Materialised Otome ready to do battle, though, and is seen briefly "dealing with" Shiho Munakata, offering a "taste of a real oneesama" as the Otome fight with the resurrected HiMEs, to the embarrassment of both Shiho Munakata and Shiho Huit.

Erstin Ho

104?cb=20130504113241&format=webpIn the manga's universe, Erstin's character is largely the same, including her crush on Nina and later Manshiro (a male body double of the real Mashiro) believing him to be a girl. But she is Coral No. 3 in the manga. This version 03 049 of her character is noted as having F-cup breasts by Arika, and appears to suffer from androphobia, or fear of men, steming from past sexual harassment. This was due to drawing unwanted attraction to her larger-than-normal bust. Her oneesama is Shiho instead of Akane as in the anime. She initially hated Arika for separating her from Nina because she had to move to another room to make space for Manshiro, which made her an easy victim for Shiho to manipulate into fighting for the Blue Sky Sapphire. She was the second of the initially ignorant to discover Manshiro's manhood, when she was an accidental witness to him urinating, a discovery that horrified her at first. However, after Manshiro protected her during a Schwarz attack, she managed to accept the truth, and falls deeper in love with him. She refers to his penis as an "elephant". Master Erusu at your ser.vice by Silveril Eventually, she "persuades" Natsuki to let her move back into the room occupied by Arika, Manshiro and Nina. Unlike the anime, she is not a member of Schwarz. Although she comes close to death as a result of a self-directed suicide bombing aimed at Duran, she never actually dies. Eventually she gains a Meister Robe, the Rainbow Cloud Rhodonite ( 綵雲の薔薇輝石 Saiun no Barakiseki), of her own and is vital in defeating Fumi and the revived HiMEs. In the Arashi spin off, she along with Arika and Nina act as Mashiro's maids, much to the students dismay. After her appearance, Arashi, Nagi's younger sister (thought to be male) invades the academy, and Mashiro makes her servant, and Erstin tried to use her sex appeal to defeat Arashi, however, her efferts were in vain, since Arashi was female to begin with, and was actually crossdressing at the time. Erstin was then sent out with cow as pushinment. Mashiro had walked in on theme, but apparently got the wrong idea, and quickly left. It is unknown what Mashiro was thinking at the time, Erstin, in her regret, cries to him that it was a misunderstanding.

Haruka Armitage

In the Mai-Otome manga, two versions of Haruka exist.

The first is Haruka Armitage. She is a low-ranking member of the Windbloom police force. Yukino is her partner. She has a dislike for Otome, but ironically enough comes to their aid often. She has a penchant for heavy artillery. The miniskirt she wears as part of her uniform often makes her the victim of blatant pantyshots, although apparently this is only visible to the reader as no character comments on this.

The second is Haruka Suzushiro revived from the dead. All the revived HiMEs from the manga have altered personalities and this one is no different, being subservient to Yukino, which comes as a disturbing discovery for the other Haruka.

Juliet Nao Zhang

240?cb=20130428132013&format=webpin the Mai-Otome manga, Nao shares with her HiME counterparts a tendency for truancy. It is not stated where she comes from. She is myopic and requires either contact lenses or a large pair of spectacles to see. The Stripes gang is also nonexistent in the manga. Nao is subsequently not seen for a large part of the manga, but after Lena Sayers is sent to Garderobe for medical treatment, the latter falls under her care. Lena had instructed Nao to place her in the Predecessor Core if any serious harm were to come to her, something that was carried out in Chapter 37. In Chapter 39 she saves Manshiro from a combined attack by Kuga and Yuuki, the latter of which she Vbbvn Nao Yuuki to the left,Juliet Nao Zhang to the right proceeds to battle. The HiME version of Nao is resurrected by Mashiro along with the other HiME with much of the same personality. The main departure for this version of Nao is that she thinks of the HiME Natsuki as an older-sister figure, as opposed to the all-out-feud that was present in Mai-Hime. The manga version retains the Julia-like Robe of the anime, although how she came about it is not divulged exactly as the concept of Columns is anime-exclusive. It seems to be a privilege of being a Trias member as both Akane and Shiho have their Meister Robes from the anime, but the fact that Chie Hallard still uses the standard Pearl Robe argues against this. Given that the manga has been completed without resolving the matter, this may forever be one of the manga's mysteries. The revived Nao Yuuki bears powers identical to her incarnation originally present in the My-HiME manga, but she also performs a team attack alongside Natsuki Kuga, something which her original incarnation would never have done.

Lena Sayers

latest?cb=20130424184506Lena's depiction in the Mai-Otome manga has significant differences from the anime. She is still alive and living with the Schwartz. Rad, her killer in the anime, is her husband and father of Arika. It is revealed that her home RenaManga Lena in the manga village was destroyed mysteriously and she was rescued by Rad. He predeceases Lena, sacrificing his life to protect her during a raid by the Empire of Cardair. During the attack, Nina Wáng recognizes her as the previous user of the Blue Sky Sapphire. Akin to the anime, Lena had previously been the Otome of the royal family (in the manga, King Tate and Queen Mai) and adopted their son, who later impersonates their successor Mashiro after the latter's suicide. In the aftermath of the Cardair invasion of the Black Valley, she is brought to Garderobe for medical treatment, under the care of Juliet Nao Zhang. Lena pushes Mashiro out of the way of Mai Tokiha's attack, causing herself to become fatally injured.After leaving Mashiro and Arika instructions on dealing with the HiMEs she takes Fumi's place as the founder of the Otome, towards the end of the manga.

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M - Y

Mai Tokiha

173?cb=20130501102017&format=webpIn the My-Otome manga series, Mai first appears at the end of chapter 31, the first of the HiMEs to be revived by Fumi. Sergay calls her the strongest HiME from the legend of "Seven Days of Flame" who burnt the world to the 04 107 ground, citing her as an example of the superiority of the original HiMEs over the modern 乙–type HiMEs. This Mai has a bitter, nihilistic attitude. She becomes infuriated when Mashiro Blan de Windbloom's attitude reminds her of Yuuichi when even he stood up against her despite the prone bodies of several HiME (Mikoto, Midori, etc.) that she had already defeated. She eventually is defeated by Mashiro with the help of a spirit by summoning the 'Sword of gakutski' to pierce Mai from a distance in chapter 42. With her spirit released, she reunites with the spirit of her husband and of Mikoto. Before she disappears, she turns to Mashiro, who quickly looks away from the eyes of her mother with a guilt-stricken expression, causing Mai to sorrowfully turn away. Mai is angry at Yuuichi Tate because of what he did to her, although this is later revealed to be a product of 'distorted memories'. She has a very strong power that can destroy the entire city, but became sad when she realized that the only thing she wanted is to destroy the Otomes with her dark flame. The photograph held by the real Mashiro in chapter 42 reveals that her mother, the Empress of Windbloom, strongly resembles Mai in every way. However, no other information about her is given. The resurrected 'Dark' Mai displays the same powers, if not stronger and more versatile control, as her My-HiME manga counterpart, having a very strong resemblance to her QUEEN form. She easily defeated both Nina and Arika the first time they met. Also, her Kagutsuchi likewise resembles the 'Dark Kagutsuchi' from the My-HiME manga. With Mikoto tagging along, the two began to systematically destroying any and all resistance to them as they did during the 'Seven Days of Flame'.

Maria Graceburt

86?cb=20130505141741&format=webpMiss Maria's role in the manga is even smaller than hers in the anime. She appears a few times giving strict comments.

Masashi Takeda

Takeda appears looking for Natsuki in a bathroom (holding a picture of her) but accidentally walks in on Erstin Ho as she is showering. After being caught it is heavily implied that Shizuru castrated him, though he has one brief appearance before the end of the manga in chapter 28, where he is captured by Haruka and thought to be a member of Schwartz./div>

Mashiro Blan de Windbloom

276?cb=20130427161253&format=webpIn the Mai-Otome manga, Mashiro is initially a weak-willed adolescent boy, typically running away from problems and Mai-otome-1875987 the fake Mashiro giving up. The manga's central plot is his development from a fake princess into a strong ruler. When he thinks to himself, he often pretends he is talking to his mother. A running gag throughout the series is Mashiro's status as a male surrounded by females, unable to reveal himself. The real Mashiro has a bitter attitude, desiring only to further her own magical powers. She shows little emotion towards others, and refuses to acknowledge the fake Mashiro even when the truth is revealed. The real Mashiro Blan de Windbloom is shown dead on the first page of chapter 1. The Mashiro for the rest of the story is a boy, real name unknown, who impersonates the real Mashiro under Sergay August Taiki's orders. Mashiro first appears on the second page of chapter 1, recently arrived in Wind City. He disguises himself as the princess and meets his assigned escorts Arika Yumemiya and Nina Wáng. They encounter a member of Schwarz who attempts to assassinate Mashiro, causing Mashiro to make a contract with Arika with the Sky Blue Sapphire. Mashiro makes it to Garderobe safely; in chapters 2 and 3 he meets with the Garderobe staff, who already know of his true identity, and the Garderobe students, who have no idea that Mashiro is a boy. The next few chapters deal with his school life, his growth as a leader, and his relationship with Arika, Nina, and Erstin. Nina discovers his real gender in chapter 10, causing her to think differently of him and his motives. Eventually, Mashiro's concern for Arika, who leaves in chapter 20 to find her parents, leads Mashiro (along with Nina and Erstin) to follow her to the MOmangaMashiro The real Mashiro Black Valley. At the Black Valley, Mashiro shows his resolve as a leader while confronting Cardair and protecting the refugees. He returns to Garderobe in chapter 24 after Garderobe staff stop an invalid butou between Arika and Cardair's Otome. After Erstin finds out about his gender in chapter 25, Mashiro is summoned to Garderobe castle and informed by Sergay that he will be crowned queen. Schwarz attack at the coronation, causing Sergay to send Mashiro and Arika through a secret passage. The two arrive at an underground chamber, where the real Mashiro awaits. In chapter 30, Sergay reveals that the real Mashiro's death was a suicide intended to grant her stronger magical powers when she was resurrected. In the following battle, Nagi de Artai is fatally hit and gives his ring to Mashiro, making him the master of Nina. The real Mashiro gets Fumi to revive the HiME Mai Tokiha in chapter 32. The subsequent summoning of Kagutsuchi causes flashbacks for the fake Mashiro. He and his retinue are rescued by Schwarz and Erstin and taken to the Windbloom slums to regroup. In the following chapters, Mashiro heads to Garderobe while Nina, Erstin, the city police, and the Garderobe Otome hold off enemy forces. Mashiro is tormented by the fact that the others are sacrificing their lives for him, but is comforted by Nina before she becomes the last one to leave him in chapter 36. At this point Arika returns to protect him from Mai, but Arika's power runs out quickly. Mai attacks Mashiro, but Lena arrives and is hit instead. Lena tells Mashiro how to unlock the true power of the Blue Sky Sapphire, which Mashiro and Arika use to send Mai and Mikoto retreating, and the location where the real Mashiro and Sergay are waiting - the Crystal Shrine. The Garderobe Otome hold off the other resurrected HiMEs to allow Mashiro, Arika, and Nina to reach the Crystal Shrine. 175?cb=20130427161218&format=webpThe real Mashiro uses her powers to trap the fake Mashiro in Mai-otome-1129957 the real Mashiro and the dead kind and queen of Windbloom an illusion of his old life. However, Mashiro is able to escape in chapter 42 with the help of Yuuichi Tate's spirit, gaining the Pure White Diamond, which he uses to defeat Mai. Sergay reveals the truth that the two Mashiros are twins and both heirs to the throne. The real Mashiro is then killed by Fumi. There is a picture in Chapter 42 that the real Mashiro was holding on to. The picture is of Mashiro with the king and queen of Windbloom, Who look a lot like Mai and Tate, leading to the conclusion that the king and queen of Wind City is Mai and Tate and are the parents of the real and fake Mashiro. Arika, Nina, Erstin, and Mashiro are able to defeat Fumi and Sergay, but Sergay manages to wound Mashiro and steal the Pure White Diamond. In the final chapter, the purified spirits of the real Mashiro and Fumi appear to Mashiro and send him back to the land of the living. Gathering the power of the Otome, Mashiro materialises a Robe and defeats the monstrous Sergay. The fake Mashiro initially has the Sky Blue Sapphire, which he uses in a bugged provisional contract with Arika which later becomes official. Mashiro also receives the ring of the Black Smoke Chrysoberyl, making him the master of Nina. Erstin states she also has a contract with Manshiro in the final chapter. With the Pure White Diamond, Manshiro is able to fight on a level with the HiMEs and Otomes. He is also able to materialize his own Robe. The real Mashiro is capable of hurling balls of dark energy and creating temporal illusions. She is able to resurrect HiME, although she isn't able to control them until after her death at the beginning of the story.

Midori Sugiura

There are not one but two Midoris in the My-Otome manga.

150px-MangaMidori01.JPGThe first Midori is the manga's leader of Schwarz, the cult taking the place of the manga-nonexistent Aswad and protecting the Black Valley. Like her My-HiME counterparts (and unlike her My-Otome anime version), she claims to fight for Justice. She was initially imprisoned in Garderobe and known as "Prisoner No. 17". Her prisoner transfer was conducted with Shizuru Viola and the Cardair Otome Rila Mariposa. Her Schwarz underlings attack the convoy and conduct her successful jailbreak. She proceeds to do battle with both Otome and kills Rila, escaping afterward. When Manshiro and his retinue go to the Black Valley in search of Arika Yumemiya's mother, she plans to have Arika join Schwarz, but this never comes to fruition. When Cardair forces attack to avenge their late Emperor John, who died because of his connection with Rila, Midori fights with Akira and is outwitted, leading to her defeat. Eventually Manshiro and Arika manage to fend off the Cardair forces and Garderobe personnel arrive. On Manshiro's request, the people of the Black Valley are moved to Windbloom. Midori leaves Manshiro a cryptic warning regarding Sergay and disappears along with the rest of her team. Midori reappears when it is time for Manshiro's coronation. In disguise, she, Gal and Dyne enter Windbloom and manage to outsmart Haruka Armitage despite the latter's attempts at finding Schwarz members. When Sergay reveals his villainy and sets Mai Tokiha on Manshiro's entourage, Midori saves Manshiro and his group. Midori comments on the danger Manshiro has put himself into by having two Otome contracted to himself, but per his request, she leads the people of Windbloom out of the country, including Arika who suffered mental trauma. When the girl expresses her desire to return to fight for Manshiro, Midori gives her the REM despite the protests of her lackeys, saying that she wanted to "gamble with herself" and "believe that these children can win".

150px-MangaMidori02.JPGThe second Midori is Midori Sugiura revived from the dead, as previously seen in the My-HiME manga. She ambushes an off-guard Shizuru Viola (who is complacently wondering where her own second is) shortly before Midori arrives to assist her former enemy; the leader of Schwarz using Gal's power in place of her REM. Stating that she would not allow the Predecessor statue of Rena Sayers to be destroyed because she was the woman Rad sacrificed his life for, the two women do battle. Eventually, Midori Sugiura is killed by Manshiro's Trinity Lover Strike. Exactly what happens to Midori the leader of Schwarz is unstated, but given the appearance of her smiling visage as shown in the events after the return to peace, it would seem to be a happy ending for her.


In the My-Otome manga Mikoto is a being who can switch between human and cat forms at will. She retains her catlike and curious aspects, but she is generally more malevolent. Mikoto, in addition to the ability to transform, is able to summon a Slave that resembles a cat form of the Child Miroku. She also can summon her real Child and is a capable fighter with her claws, on par with a Meister Otome.Mikoto also retains her sword Miroku, which she never fights with, and her HiME symbol is initially shown on her upper left arm.[28] The symbol is moved to her tail when the rest of the HiME are revived


In the alternate take on the My-Otome universe present in the manga Miyu is a MAID, a super intelligent android as part of a series as the basis for the others, she was excavated and repaired to working condition by Alyssa Kruger. She first appears in Chapter 14. In this chapter and 38-40 it is heavily implied Miyu is the same Miyu as the one from the My-HiME manga. She demonstrates her ability by catching a large number of dishes, then destroying a machine gone amok with her trademark efficiency. In a competition to test the ability of Otomes against hers, she thoroughly trounces the challengers. She retains the Mythril Dress of her other incarnations and first uses after the team of Arika, Nina and Erstin apparently defeat her. When Alyssa Searrs from the My-HiME manga is resurrected with the other HiMEs from the manga, she tries to bend Miyu to her will using a gravity altering device, but this fails. Instead of separating Miyu and Alyssa Kruger as Searrs desired, the two manage link hands after a struggle against the increased gravity, restoring Miyu's old memories and "unlocking" a new form of the Mythril Dress for Miyu. With this new power, Miyu attacks Alyssa Searrs, who becomes the first of the HiMEs to be defeated.

Nagi Dài Artai

In the Mai-HiME manga, Nagi is a much more malevolent figure than in the anime. From his first appearance, it is clear that he is the one directing the Orphans against the HiME. Nagi appears out of nowhere as in the anime, often carrying a book, but his actions and words are openly malicious. He maintains secrecy about his own allegiance and purpose and violently attacks anyone who tries to disclose the truth. He is apparently killed by Miyu Grear in volume 3, when he had almost escaped an ambush organized by the combined HiME teams and Mashiro. However, this was proven to be false, as multiple copies of him appeared inside the Obsidian Palace, and continued to multiply themselves even during battle. They all fought Miyu, who continued to fight them even after most of her weapons had been used up, till the HiME star collapsed upon itself and became a unique Child.

Natsuki Kruger

In the Mai-Otome manga, Natsuki Kruger is the headmistress of Garderobe. She is also the daughter of Aries' current president, Saeko Kruger, and the sister of Alyssa Kruger. Natsuki's main role in the story is running the Academy and making sure Mashiro Blan de Windbloom stays in line. Eventually, Alyssa comes to the academy proposing that the Otomes be replaced by the Maids, mass-produced replicas of Miyu, in the hopes that this will enable Natsuki to come home to Aries and spend more time with her. Natsuki rebuffs this, and has her students compete with the Otomes. When Midori breaks free during the final competition with Miyu and the attacking Aswad threaten Alyssa, Natsuki stands up to protect Alyssa, causing her to realize that she truly cares about her. Natsuki's GEM and Robe are the same as in the anime, with minor cosmetic differences. Her master is initially Fumi Himeno and later Lena Sayers (when the title of source passes from one to the other).

Nina Wáng

180?cb=20130503130207&format=webpIn the manga counterpart to Mai-Otome Nina's background is changed dramatically, as Sergay is no longer her father and she has no connection to the Windbloom royal family. Instead she is an orphan adopted by the government to be Nagi's Otome. She is sent by Garderobe to meet Mashiro, a crossdresser posing as the real 04 091 Mashiro, the real McCoy of which who was killed in the first chapter, and befriends him after some time. In early chapters, she was accused of being too "stiff" by Arika, who claimed that her small bust size was due to this. She is the second of the initially ignorant to learn of Mashiro's masculine identity when the wig and outfit he used to masquerade as Mashiro fall out of his bag in her presence. She becomes the first user of a Meister Robe when she uses the Blue Sky Sapphire to Materialise one in the fight against Lumen. Shy about her feelings about Mashiro, she was often gazing at the side as Arika and Erstin showered affection on him. Eventually, she does become Nagi's Otome. However, this is only in name and before the contract can be formally made, Nagi is mortally wounded defending Mashiro and instructs her to protect Mashiro. Thus she forms a contract with Mashiro and becomes his Otome alongside Arika. When confronted with the apparent death of Erstin while fending off Duran, she confesses her feelings to Mashiro and kisses him before running towards the Predecessor Core. Before she could make it, an explosion occurs in which she seems to be disintegrated, although this is not the case and Nao is able to find her injured but alive. Returning to Mashiro, she continues fighting alongside him.

Reito Kanzaki (Rad)

Rad in the My-Otome manga is a "Perfect Cyborg", one of the products of Schwarz's forbidden "Black Science", who retains only the nervous system and some internal organs after cybernetic enhancement. The manga does not explain why he underwent the conversion, as the Black Valley plague found in the anime does not exist in the manga. He does not know Yohko and in fact has absolutely no contact with her. He first appears before the attack on the Artai embassy in Windbloom and is one of the attackers. A formidable warrior with his staff, he manages to cut an artillery piece in half with one strike and draw in battle against Shizuru even with the latter using her Robe. Interrupting a battle between Miyu and the Otome in an attempt to assassinate Mashiro, Rad springs the Star Wars-esque revelation that he was Arika Yumemiya's father. When Mashiro and entourage arrive at the Black Valley, Rad is shown to be well-loved by its inhabitants and a role model of sorts that the children desire to emulate when they reach maturity. Despite his earlier attempts on Mashiro's life, Rad eventually has a change of heart and protects the boy from the attacks of Akira while the boy is formally making his contract with Arika. Rena identifies him as truly being Reito after reminiscing about his old persona and flashback panels are shown depicting Rena and Reito in earlier times, before she became an Otome and he a cyborg. Given that Rena should be over 40 years old by now, this Reito is the oldest of all the incarnations of him. Reito does not survive to the end of the manga. In order to protect Mashiro from the attack of Cardair's Scale Sisters Otome trio, he lets himself get stabbed by them and self-destructs, presumably killing them at the same time. Before he dies, he beseeches Mashiro to be a good monarch and calls on Arika to be a star of hope. It is here that Arika gives in and finally acknowledges him to be her father.

Sergay Wáng

In the manga, Sergay August Taiki is the prime minister of Windbloom and a colonel of its army. He originates from Artai and knows Nagi de Artai well. Sergay behaves in a rather dark and sinister way most of the time - without displaying even the slightest bit of compassion his anime counterpart was known for. He sponsors the fake Mashiro's attendance in Garderobe in order to further his plans. He wants the boy fully under his control and often loses his temper when faced with Mashiro's vigor. Instead of the crush his anime counterpart had on Rena, this Sergay displays antipathy towards her, being unhappy that she is still alive [My-Otome manga; Chapter 25, page 5] . This Sergay is also older than his anime counterpart, as he is already depicted as a young adult when Rena is retiring from her service to the Windbloom throne, [My-Otome manga; Chapter 42, page 13] whereas he was only a child in the anime when Rena had already given birth to Arika. He later completes the change of roles from the plotline of the anime by becoming the main antagonist instead of Nagi, and releases the dark HiMEs to fight the Otomes and bury the world in destruction. It is interesting to note another reversal from the anime where he was one of those who knew that Mashiro was not the true princess although others believed her to be real. In the manga, he reveals the true origins of Mashiro as actually being part of the royal bloodline instead of just being a fake as was believed. With the power of the Ultimate Black Diamond, he commands Fumi to Materialise and seems on the edge of victory, only to be defeated by the combined power of Mashiro, Arika, Nina and Erstin. As he lies apparently dying, however, he tricks Mashiro into coming near and then takes the Pure White Diamond, transforming into a great monster. This "victory" is only temporary, though, as Mashiro draws on the power of all the Otomes to Materialise his own Robe and kill him for good.

Shiho Munakata

In the manga Shiho's role is reduced, and there are actually two of her. The first is Shiho Huit, who is still a Pearl. She initially covets the Blue Sky Sapphire and has Erstin Ho fight Arika for it. Shiho is without the "maki maki" device, but appears to be very fond of drills. The second is Shiho Munakata, the resurrected HiME, who takes on her counterpart, amusingly claiming to be her identical twin separated at birth (though this is almost certainly false). After Shiho Munakata says this, Shiho Huit claims that she would never have a sister with weird hair like Shiho Munakata's. At this point, Arika, Manshiro and Nina shared a speech bubble which showed that they were speechless as both Shiho Huit's hair is weird as well.

Shizuru Viola

In the Mai-Otome manga Shizuru Viola is still the first Meister Otome introduced, though her first materialization comes in chapter 12, not as early as in the anime. She duels against Rad in the same chapter and Midori in chapter 18 but fails to win decisively. This Shizuru is Arika's oneesama from the beginning unlike in the anime, where it was initially Akane and then Nao. She was also an early target of Mashiro's infatuation. Since Shizuru Fujino was not a HiME in the My-HiME manga she is not present among the resurrected HiME from the manga (made evident by the presence of Haruka), but Viola nevertheless does do battle against them though she still wished she had one.

Takumi Tokiha

Takumi is actually the ruler of Cardair, as Zipang did not exist in the manga. Takumi becomes king after the former emperor John's Otome is killed in action. In this incarnation Takumi is confined to a wheelchair and is more assertive compared to his My-HiME and My-Otome anime incarnations. Instead of being his bodyguard, Akira is his Otome. The two Akiras, the My-Otome and the revived HiME Akira from the My-HiME manga battle over Takumi, each claiming that he is theirs. [My-Otome manga, chapter 40] He is later seen with Mashiro, indicating that the two countries are once again on good terms after past difficulties.

Tomoe Marguerite

158?cb=20130504084223&format=webpTomoe's role is greatly reduced in the manga, as she makes a few background appearances. She does not harbor a grudge against Arika, and appears neutral during the match between Arika and Erstin. Her evil side is mostly nonexistment. She doesn't appear to have a crush on Shizuru like she did in the anime. Tomoe's relationship with Miya is widely different in the manga then in the anime. There was a time when she slapped her like in the anime, but only because she acted on her own, when she said to trust her and do as said. After which, Tomoe engages in sexual activity with her, right in front of Mashiro who was hiding behind a rock in an onsen they were staying. She was quick to apologize to Miya for earlier. It is implied to a yuri like relationship between the two.


In the manga, two versions of Yukariko appear.

The first Yukariko's role is very similar to her anime incarnation as a teacher and Otome at Garderobe. Her personality is the most confident of her incarnations, and she actually takes a bullet for Natsuki during the invasion of Garderobe.

The second is the HiME Yukariko revived from the dead, and like all the resurrected HiMEs she has an altered personality. This Yukariko appears briefly in a dominatrix-like outfit that is extremely revealing. She also appears to have an appetite for men, as indicated by her actions during the invasion when she seeks them out in the crowd of fleeing civilians.


In the manga version of "My-Otome" there are actually two Yukinos.

The first is a member of the Windbloom Police Department with Haruka as her partner. Their relationship is very similar to the "My-HiME" manga. Yukino is apparently skilled with a sniper rifle, as she demonstrates when she destroys a SLAVE's control GEM in chapter 11.

The second is Yukino "Kikukawa", the resurrected HiME, who like the other HiMEs has an altered personality and is much more aggressive and devious than any other incarnation. Haruka's HiME counterpart is subservient to Yukino, which is a shocking realization for Haruka Armitage. The HiME Yukino is also sexually aggressive towards Haruka, and tongues her neck in a suggestive manner in front of a shocked Armitage.


There are not one but two Yuuichis in the My-Otome manga, as is with almost every character from the My-HiME manga.

The first is the same Yuuichi as the one in the My-HiME manga. He appears in flashbacks experienced by the HiME Mai, who sees him as having played cruelly with her feelings. Mai also pejoratively claims that he was "that kind of man" who seduced her pitiful self. This Yuuichi eventually appears in person to Manshiro when the latter is trapped in Fuuka Academy by Mashiro. He exhorts Manshiro to realise his true identity and provides the prince with the Pure White Diamond and the Sword of Akatsuki, enabling him to escape. Together Manshiro and Yuuichi wield the Sword of Akatsuki, first deflecting a shot from Kagutsuchi and then fatally impaling Mai on it. After Manshiro kills Mai, she returns to her original benevolent personality and is reunited with Yuuichi, who asks Manshiro to win for "their" sakes before disappearing for good with Mai and Mikoto.

The second is the former Emperor of Windbloom and the father of Mashiro and Manshiro. His only appearance is in Chapter 42, in a photograph kept by Mashiro. No further information exists within the manga, making him an enigmatic figure.

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Post was last edited on 25.01.2017 10:19.
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Avatar: GuuneThread Creator#5

1. Girl? Meets♀Girls

Mashiro hat die Schnauze gestrichen voll von der Jungenschule und beschließt kurzerhand zu einem süßen kleinen Mädchen zu transformieren. Natürlich wird alles von oben abgesegnet. Auch nach fast einem Jahrzent steigt mir das Blut in die Nase, wenn ich Natsuki und Shizuru sehe. Aber nicht nur meinen Gedanken sind ganz verwegen, nein, bereits ab Kapitel Eins wird eindrücklich gezeigt, dass auch die Charaktere ziemlich schmutzige Fantasien an den Tag legen. Aber nach all dem Ecchi und der Einführung in die Otome Materie und natürlich dem Charakteren (Haruka temperamentvoll wie eh und je), darf auch ein wenig Action und Comedy nicht fehlen!
Krachbumm ... Panties ... Materialize ... Schmunzelrakete!

2. The Secret Flower Garden!?

Mashiro wurde von allen willkommen geheißen. Na ja, außer von Miss Maria ... sie war auch sowieso schon immer streng. Es folgt dann erstmal eine Unterredung. Allen Anschein nach steht der 'Vertrag' mit Akira und sollte auch nur eine Person erfahren, dass Mashiro ein Typ ist, droht Entmannung! Meine Natsuki kennt da keinen Spaß!
Weinerlicher Trans ... Busengrapscherin ... ein Yuri Harem im letzten Panel!

 3. Heaven and Hell!?

Erstin wird der Leserschaft vorgeführt. Opai, folglich ist Langfinger Akira nicht weit. Die Trias (denke ich an das Ende von Chapter 2 würde Tribadie auch passen) müssen natürlich bekanntgemacht werden (leider ohne Yuri Harem) und beinahe hätten sie einen Butou angezettelt.

Mashiro soll sich ein Zimmer mit Akira und Nina (Erstin darf nicht miteinziehen) teilen. Natsuki fackelt nicht lange und klärt darüber auf, dass eine Otome ihre Kraft verliert, sobald sie ihrer Jungfräulichkeit beraubt wird. Also Chokkin Chokkin ♫ (ich feier Shizuru dafür) wenn du dich nicht zusammenreißt, Mashiro! Er/Sie/Es hat es aber auch nicht leicht, denn Akira muss immerzu Nina begatten und zu allem Überfluss wird Erstin auch noch 'verhext' und fordert Akira und demnach Mashiro zu einem Kampf (Butou) heraus.
Chapter 3 ... unter ... halt ... sam!

4. Battle of the Otome

Butou Contest steht bevor! Als fliegen die Fetzen und Brüste. Und viel schöner, die eindeutigen Panels zu Shizuru und Natsuki (was Natsuki für einen ♠♦◘○♥• Charakter in My Hime Manga zuteil wurde – hier ist die Welt wieder in Ordnung). Akira muss einiges wegstecken. Beinahe jeder im Publikum ist davon überzeugt, dass Erstin gewinnen wird. Und dann ... Super Bust Impact! Das können nur Otome mit einem F Cup oder größer. Himmel, da peitschen Ding und Dong gegen Akira, die dann nur noch 3 von 30 HP besitzt.
Vibrierende ... Brüste ... Mimimmii (Mashiro ).

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Avatar: GuuneThread Creator#6

5. Things (I) want to Protect

Kurz bevor Akira endgültig gegen die Wand geklatscht wird, müssen selbstverständlich Rückblenden folgen. Scheiß Vergangenheit, umso stärker also an die Gegenwart festhalten. Erstin weint, Mashiro sowieso, aber wenigstens ruft er Akira zu „Meine Otome würde nie verlieren!“. „Okay!“ sagt Akira und muss so etwas wie Super-Saiyajin Power mobilisiert haben und schlägt zurück. Schnell löst sich noch die Robe auf und ...
Ende gut … alles gut!

6. Don't tell Anyone

Der erste offizielle Tag für Mashiro startet nun. Nina der Streber. Akira ist nur körperlich anwesend. Mashiro weint zumindest nicht. Shizuru … FuFu~

Als sich dann abends Mashiro aus den Fängen von Akira befreien kann, fällt auf, dass Nina fehlt. Und da steht oder manchmal kniet sie dann im Klassenzimmer, nur mit Unterwäsche bekleidet, stöhnend, die Hände geschunden. Mashiros Speichel auf den Finger. Ja, Nähen ist nicht einfach, aber Girlie Mashiro hilft wo es nur geht.
Alle … haben … sich … lieb!

7. Schwarz Entry

Wird auch Zeit. Badezeit. A pure mind dwells in a clean body! Mashiro ist mutig. Zwischenzeitlich liefern sich Haruka und Yukino eine wilde Verfolgungsjagd mit Schwartz? Ach ja, Mashiros Waschtag wird kurzerhand von Nao gestört. Was ist es? Ein Mädchen? A lethal Weapon! Nao ist schon ganz nass und devot. Mashiro du Schmutzfink, gegen Nao hast du keine Chance. Jetzt hängt er nämlich da, nackig und beschämt (wie Natsuki), dass meiner armen Natsuki auch nichts erspart bleibt.
Bondage … Femme Fragile wird Femme Fatal!

8. A Talk About Politics

Ihre Hoheit Nagi kehrt in die Schule ein und besucht seine Verlobte(r) Mashiro! Nina würde gern seine Meister Otome werden, doch bisher bringt Nagi ihr nur Abscheu entgegen. Fakt ist, sollte sich Mashiro nicht anständig benehmen und womöglich noch mit ihrer/seiner Lethal Weapon vor Nagi wedeln, wird es Krieg geben. Akira begeht natürlich Fehler und beleidigt den königlichen Anhang, aber wer darf schlussendlich die Prügel einstecken? Nina! Da reißt es ihr bei all den Peitschenhieben den Rock auseinander. Und Chapter Sechs lehrte uns, dass Nina alles kann, außer nähen. So bitter. Wenigstens fasst sich Mashiro ans Herz und katapultiert den Liebsten gen Koma. Krieg?
Ende … Band … Eins!
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Avatar: GuuneThread Creator#7

9. Garderobe Escape

Da hat Mashiro ganz schön Mist gebaut, als er den Erzherzog von Artai verletzte. Aber Mashiro steht seinen Mann und ... rennt davon ... und Nina muss ihn vor den großen starken Männern retten. Natürlich weiß sie nicht, dass es Mashiro ist. Hierauf folgt eine Retrospektive: Nina lebte als kleines Kind auf der Straße und wurde von Nagi aufgenommen. Plötzlich eine Explosion und was fällt aus Mashiros Tasche? Die Perücke!

10. King's Return

Der Tumult verdichtet sich. Akira kämpft gegen einen Slave – auch Nina und Mashiro begeben sich zum Artai Botschaftsgebäude. Wenn Häuser in die Luft fliegen darf natürlich auch Haruka und Yukino nicht fehlen. Aber alles scheint aussichtslos – warum unternimmt Garderobe auch nichts? Perücke auf und ab ins Spotlight. Mashiro macht eine Ansage!
Es ... geht ... rund!

11. Revolutionary Soldier

Mögen die Spiele beginnen! Kämpfe in jedem Winkel der Stadt. Nina ist endlich bei Akira und zusammen bereiten sie dem Cyborg ordentlich Feuer unter dem Blechhintern. In der Zwischenzeit bekam auch Garderobe grünes Licht sich in ihre Roben zu werfen und ins Geschehen einzusteigen. Viel interessanter ist aber erst einmal, dass Nina plötzlich in einer Meister Robe vor dem Slave steht.
Auf ... dass ... noch ... mehr ... Fetzen ... fliegen!

12. Meister Robe

Also die Power hinter dem Blauen Sapphir ist nicht zu verachten. FIRE!!! HAAHH!!! Der Nächste Bitte! Das überlassen wir dann aber Shizuru. 'I wont let your harm any of my cute students'. Nina Herzattacken-Angriff geht auf mich über. Nya~ Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe Sapphir, aber der Amethyst ist nun am Zug und bereitet allem ein Ende. Wir fassen zusammen: Sowohl Nina, als auch Akira sind jetzt einen Vertrag mit Mashiro eingegangen. Nagi verzeiht Mashiro – er steht auf Mädchen, die hart durchgreifen.
Da ... war ... sie!

13. Erstin Ho's Tragedy

Ein paar Leute machen eine kleine Tour durch Garderobe. Erstin hört, dass Mashiro nun zwei Otome unter seine/ihre Fittiche hat. 'Warum?' fragt sich Erstin. Reicht denn Akira nicht? Muss jetzt womöglich noch Nina als Sex-Sklavin hinhalten? Mashiro! Und dann wird Erstin beim Duschen von einem schmierigen Kerl angegriffen. Zum Glück sind Mashiro und die Trias nicht weit. Aufgrund der grotesken Techniken die die Trias anwenden, muss leider die Beschreibung/Darstellung zensiert werden. Meine Hände ballen sich zur Faust, als ich sehe, weshalb der Typ in die Schule eindrang ... er will die Direktorin (Natsuki) treffen! Vergiss es! Gufu Gufu, spürst du Shizurus Atem in den Nacken? Es ist Chokkin-Zeit! Ultra Bust Impact zum Schluss für Mashiro.
Nippelgate ... OpaiOpai ... Shizuru bitte mach mir ein Baby – oder zwei!

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Avatar: GuuneThread Creator#8

14. Super Weapon

ShizNat! Und Bürokratie. Die Examen stehen an! Alle lernen, außer Akira. Was treibt sie? Sie geht mehreren Teilzeitjobs nach. Garderobe ist nämlich nicht umsonst und Akira steht kurz davor von der Schule zu fliegen, weil sie die Gebühren nicht zahlen kann. Chapter 14 und endlich tritt Miyu und Alyssa auf die Bühne. Onee-Chan! Yup, Natsuki hat eine kleine Schwester.  
War ... da ... Mikoto?

15. Otome's Pinch!?

Was sie kleine Sis zu berichten hat, gefällt Natsuki überhaupt nicht. In Aries (von da kommen Natsuki und Alyssa) wurden eine Reihe an Maids produziert, die die Otome den Rank ablaufen könnten. Natsuki ist ein Dickkopf und von daher war es nicht anders zu erwarten, dass sie mal eben einen Wettkampf zwischen Otome und Maids ins Leben ruft.

Runde Eins: Kunst. Irena vs Miyu. Garderobe 0 Maid 1 Punkt. Runde Zwei: Kochen. Erstin vs. Miyu. Garderobe 0 Maid 2 Punkte. Runde Drei: Arithmetik. Nina vs. Miyu. Garderobe 0 Maid 3 Punkte. Runde Vier: 100m Lauf. Akira vs. Miyu. Na? Garderobe 0 Maid 4 Punkte. Dann wird es schlüpfrig. Mashiro x Miyu und drei äußerst erzürnte Mädels. Dessen ungeachtet, Garderobe hat verloren und Verteidigungsminister Sergey veranlässt, dass Garderobe nun unter dem Schutz der Maids steht ... Die Adern preschen aus Natsukis Gesicht. So nicht. Erstin, Nina und Akira sollen in einem Kampf gegen Miyu antreten.
Freak out Natsuki!

16. Otome VS Maid

Ach, eigentlich möchte Alyssa nur geliebt werden von Natsuki. Poor little Girl. Der Fight hat gerade begonnen, da kehrt Besuch ein: Reira. A super human! Für ihr wird die geheimnisvolle Tür geöffnet, in der sich der Gefangene Nr. 17 befindet. Die Überführung nach Chaldean kann beginnen! Zurück zum Kampf. Drei gegen Miyu und es sieht nicht gut für die Otome aus. Nichtsdestotrotz muss auch Miyu einstecken und unerwarteterweise kann selbst sie eine Robe aktivieren (Mithril Dress) – dabei entblößen sich merkwürdigerweise die Brüste von Erstin .
Tränen ... Opai ... Einer geht noch!

17. Prisoner No.17

Der Kampf war noch nicht entschieden, da überfällt Schwartz Garderobe. Die Chance für Miyu zu zeigen, was eine Maid so alles auf den Kasten hast. Ei Ei Ei, dann wird es herzerwärmend. Miyu aktiviert den Selbstzerstörungsmodus und verabschiedet sich von Alyssa. Wenn du glaubst es geht nicht mehr, kommt von irgendwo eine Akira her und rettet Miyu. Derweil wird auch die Eskorte von Gefangenen Nr. 17 ins Visier genommen. Reira und Shizuru müssen sich einem Battle stellen. Midori, Ladies and Gentlemen ist da!
Ich ... bin ... 17 Jahre!  Ende Band 2!

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