My Happy Marriage (2018)

Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon / わたしの幸せな結婚


  • Manga: My Happy Marriage
    © 2018 Rito Kousaka, Square Enix Co., Ltd.
    • Japanese Watashi no Shiawase na Kekkon
      Type: Manga
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 20.12.2018 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: 4+ / 26+
      Mangaka: Rito KOUSAKA Illustrator
      Adapted From: Light Novel
    • English My Happy Marriage
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 13.09.2022 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: 3+ / 20+
    • German Meine ganz besondere Hochzeit
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 18.07.2022 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: 4+ / 26+
      Publisher: Altraverse GmbH
    • Synonyms: My Blissful Marriage


In Miyo Saimori’s family, there are supernatural powers that are passed on to the next generation. Unfortunately, they do not awaken in Miyo, but in her half-sister Kaya. Since Miyo’s status within the family is bad anyway after her mother’s death, her situation quickly becomes unbearable. That is why she is not surprised when her father chooses the most unsuitable husband for his unloved daughter.

Kiyoka Kudou may belong to a respected family, but it is said that he drove away all his previous fiancés with his cruelty. Miyo must do what her family demands. However, she soon discovers that her husband is quite different from his reputation. Can they manage to find happiness together?
In Miyo Saimoris Familie gibt es übernatürliche Kräfte, die an die nächste Generation weitervererbt werden. Unglücklicherweise erwachen sie jedoch nicht in Miyo, sondern in ihrer Halbschwester Kaya. Da Miyos Stand innerhalb der Familie nach dem Tod ihrer Mutter ohnehin sehr schlecht ist, wird ihre Situation schnell unerträglich. Deswegen wundert es sie auch nicht, als ihr Vater den denkbar ungeeignetsten Ehemann für seine ungeliebte Tochter aussucht.

Kiyoka Kudou gehört zwar zu einer angesehenen Familie, doch es heißt, dass er alle seine bisherigen Verlobten durch seine grausame Art vertrieben hätte. Miyo muss tun, was ihre Familie verlangt. Allerdings stellt sie schnell fest, dass ihr Ehemann ganz anders ist, als sein Ruf es vermuten lässt. Können sie es schaffen, gemeinsam ihr Glück zu finden?
Testo della bandella:
Miyo Saimori, giovane fanciulla nel Giappone del XIX secolo, non desidera che una piccola dose di gioia. Nonostante la sua famiglia possegga abilità sovrannaturali da generazioni, Miyo non ne ha ereditata alcuna e in casa è considerata alla stregua di un peso morto, evitata da tutti e trattata come una serva dalla sua violenta matrigna. Raggiunta l’età da marito, Miyo viene data in sposa all’erede della famiglia Kudo, noto per essere un uomo crudele e spietato. Rassegnata al suo destino, la ragazza scopre però che il futuro marito, pallido e bello, è tutt’altro che un mostro. Mentre i due futuri sposi aprono lentamente i loro cuori l’un l’altra, entrambi realizzano che l’altro potrebbe incarnare una concreta possibilità di trovare davvero l’amore e la felicità.
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