The Tunnel to Summer, the Exit of Goodbyes: Ultramarine (2020)

Natsu e no Tunnel, Sayonara no Deguchi: Gunjou / 夏へのトンネル、さよならの出口 群青


  • Manga: The Tunnel to Summer, the Exit of Goodbyes: Ultramarine
    © 2020 Koudo, Shougakukan Inc.
    • Japanese Natsu e no Tunnel, Sayonara no Deguchi: Gunjou
      Natsu e no Tunnel, Sayonara no Deguchi: Gunjō
      夏へのトンネル、さよならの出口 群青
      Type: Manga
      Status: Completed
      Published: 18.07.2020 ‑ 19.07.2021
      Volumes / Chapters: 4 / 17
      Publisher: Shougakukan Inc.
      Mangaka: Koudo Illustrator Mei HACHIMOKU Original Creator
      Adapted From: Light Novel
    • English The Tunnel to Summer, the Exit of Goodbyes: Ultramarine
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 09.08.2022 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: 1+ / ?
    • French The Tunnel to Summer, the Exit of Goodbyes : Ultramarine
      Status: Completed
      Published: 07.06.2023 ‑ 06.12.2023
      Volumes / Chapters: 4 / 17
      Publisher: Mangetsu


According to legend, a tunnel exists that grants those who enter it their true heart’s desire in exchange for a few years of their own lifetime. In order to see his sister again, who died in an accident five years ago, the student Kaoru Tono sets out to find this mysterious place. One night he finds it but is surprised to discover that his new classmate, Anzu Hanzaki, has followed him. She offers to help him explore the tunnel, but Kaoru quickly begins to wonder what her true motives are.
Der Legende nach existiert ein Tunnel, der jenen, die ihn betreten, im Austausch für einige Jahre der eigenen Lebenszeit ihren wahren Herzenswunsch erfüllt. Um seine Schwester noch einmal wiederzusehen, die vor fünf Jahren bei einem Unfall verstarb, macht der Schüler Kaoru Tono sich auf die Suche nach diesem mysteriösen Ort. Eines Nachts findet er ihn auch, stellt jedoch gleichzeitig überrascht fest, dass seine neue Mitschülerin, Anzu Hanzaki, ihm gefolgt ist. Sie bietet ihm an, bei der Erforschung des Tunnels zu helfen, doch Kaoru beginnt schnell, sich zu fragen, was ihre wahren Motive sind.
Testo della bandella:
Una mattina di un giorno d’estate, a Kaoru Tono, liceale di un paesino di campagna, capita di sentire una leggenda metropolitana. Si dice che da qualche parte ci sia un tunnel in grado di esaudire il più grande desiderio di chi vi entra, in cambio di un certo numero di anni di vita. Lo chiamano Tunnel di Urashima. Quella notte, uscito a fare una passeggiata, Kaoru si imbatte in un luogo sovrannaturale e, incuriosito, decide di testarne i poteri, sperando che si tratti davvero di quel luogo misterioso di cui ha sentito parlare …
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