Villain Duke’s Precious One (2021)

Akdang Daegongnimui Gwihadigwihan Yeodongsaeng / 악당 대공님의 귀하디귀한 여동생


  • Manga: Villain Duke’s Precious One
    • South Korea Akdang Daegongnimui Gwihadigwihan Yeodongsaeng
      악당 대공님의 귀하디귀한 여동생
      Type: Webtoon
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 05.02.2021 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: ? / 117+
      Publisher: KakaoPage
      Mangaka: humpback whale Author Éclair Original Creator
      Adapted From: Light Novel
    • English Villain Duke’s Precious One
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 02.06.2021 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: ? / 117+
      Publisher: Tapas
    • German Der Schatz des bösen Herzogs
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 10.10.2022 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: ? / 91+
      Publisher: DELITOON SAS
    • Synonyms: The Precious Sister of the Villainous Grand Duke


Dietrich Lagrange is destined to become the story’s most evil villain, in a family where everyone cruelly vies to claim their place as its head. But somehow, Anissa is worming her way into his cold, shut-off heart. Little does he know that she’s actually a reader reborn as his baby sister. No matter what happens, she plans to survive the story rather than live out her character’s original deadly fate! Can she remain by Dietrich’s side as he rises in power within the dangerous Lagrange family?
Wiedergeburt in einem Roman! Sie ist plötzlich ein kleines Baby und Familienmitglied einer blutrünstigen Familie. Einen neuen Bruder hat sie auch. Dieser ist nicht irgendwer, sondern wird eines Tages der schlimmste Schurke im ganzen Königreich. Um zu überleben, muss sie die Gunst ihres neuen Bruders gewinnen. Keine leichte Sache …
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