Surprise Attack Pink: Saturday Lunch Menu - 1 (2020)

Fuiuchi Pink: Saturday / ふいうちピンク -Saturday-


  • Manga: Surprise Attack Pink: Saturday Lunch Menu - 1
    © 2020 Ruri Hazuki, BOOK WALKER Co.,Ltd.
    • Japanese Fuiuchi Pink: Saturday
      ふいうちピンク -Saturday-
      Type: Manga
      Status: Completed
      Published: 02.04.2020
      Volumes / Chapters: 1 / ?
      Mangaka: Ruri HAZUKI Author & Illustrator
      Adapted From: Original Work
    • English Surprise Attack Pink: Saturday Lunch Menu - 1
      Status: Completed
      Published: 2019
      Volumes / Chapters: 1 / ?
      Publisher: LILYKA


“If you want to achieve happiness … then you should wear something pink.” Luna Chikai, a bubbly businesswoman, has taken this statement to heart in her everyday life. She loves the color pink and incorporates it in her everyday life. When she visits her client, Dr. Yuhi Hatanaka, she can’t help but notice the lack of pink in the doctor’s office. But she notices other things, like cute tea cups and floral accessories … just no pink to be found. It was at that moment, Chikai made it her mission to bring something pink into Dr. Hatanaka’s office. Perhaps, if there was pink in her office, then Chikai can bring some sort of happiness into Dr. Hatanaka’s life.
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