Murderous Lewellyn’s Candlelit Dinner (2020)

Sarinma Lewellyn Ssiui Nangmanjeogin Jeongchan / 살인마 르웰린 씨의 낭만적인 정찬



Shavonne works as a ghostwriter and doesn’t have a lot of contacts. This suddenly changes when his new neighbour invites him over for dinner. But as soon as Shavonne enters his flat, a shiver runs down his spine as something seems terribly off. And he shall be right: when he is alone for a little moment, he discovers a dead body in his neighbour’s sleeping room …!
Shavonne ist ein Ghostwriter und hat wenig Kontakt zu anderen Menschen. Das ändert sich schlagartig, als er von seinem neuen Nachbarn zum Abendessen eingeladen wird. Schon in dem Moment, als er die Wohnung betritt, läuft es ihm eiskalt den Rücken hinunter – ganz so, als würde etwas nicht stimmen. Und tatsächlich: Als Shavonne kurz allein ist, findet er im Schlafzimmer seines Nachbarn eine Leiche …!
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  • Shavonne

    Things just might be worth it to love someone to the point of losing yourself.

  • Shavonne

    Every human relationship is necessarily based on a calculation. This is because all humans involved have their own limits … And within those bounds, there are gains and losses.

  • Shavonne

    They say loneliness is the prelude to love. If that’s the case … What brings love to a close, in the end?




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