Who Can Define Popularity? (2020)

Ingineun Mueonga Jalmotdoeeotda / 인기는 무언가 잘못되었다


  • Manga: Who Can Define Popularity?
    © 2020 Tak Bon, Kakao Corp.
    • South Korea Ingineun Mueonga Jalmotdoeeotda
      인기는 무언가 잘못되었다
      Type: Webtoon
      Status: Completed
      Published: 09.05.2020 ‑ 22.10.2021
      Volumes / Chapters: 4 / 70
      Publisher: Kenaz, KakaoPage
      Mangaka: Tak Bon Author & Illustrator
      Adapted From: Original Work
    • English Who Can Define Popularity?
      Status: Completed
      Published: 16.11.2020 ‑ 05.01.2022
      Volumes / Chapters: ? / 70
      Publisher: Ridi Corporation
    • German Who Can Define Popularity?
      Status: Completed
      Published: 23.01.2023 ‑ 17.07.2023
      Volumes / Chapters: 4 / 70
      Publisher: Papertoons GmbH
    • Synonyms: Ingineun Mueonga Jalmosdoeeossda, Stay Popular!, There’s Something Wrong with My Popularity


For Cha Siwon, the most important thing is to be popular with his classmates. To achieve this, he changes his appearance and behaviour to what other people like – with success because this makes him the star of his class. But then Hyung Daun suddenly appears on the scene, and he is at least as narcissistic as Siwon! A fierce battle breaks out between the two rivals, but is it really only dislike they feel for each other?
Für Cha Siwon ist es das wichtigste, bei seinen Mitstudenten beliebt zu sein. Dafür passt er sein Aussehen und Verhalten daran an, was anderen Leuten gefällt – mit Erfolg, denn dadurch ist er der Star seiner Universität. Doch dann taucht plötzlich Hyung Daun auf der Bildfläche auf und der ist mindestens genauso narzisstisch wie Siwon! Ein erbitterter Kampf entbrennt zwischen den beiden Rivalen, doch ist es wirklich nur Abneigung, die sie füreinander empfinden?
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