I’m the Max-Level Newbie (2021)

Na Honja Mallep Newbie / 나 혼자 만렙 뉴비


  • Manga: I’m the Max-Level Newbie
    • South Korea Na Honja Mallep Newbie
      나 혼자 만렙 뉴비
      Type: Webtoon
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 29.07.2021 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: ? / 107+
      Publisher: Naver Webtoon
      Mangaka: Maslow Original Creator
      Adapted From: Light Novel
    • English I’m the Max-Level Newbie
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 2021 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: ? / 105+
    • German I’m the Max-Level Newbie
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 16.12.2021 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: ? / 88+
    • Synonyms: I Am the Top Ranker Newbie, I’m the Only Max-Leveled Newbie, Na Honja Manrep Newbie, Solo Max-Level Newbie


Kang Jinhyeok, a gaming streamer and content creator, is the only person who has cleared the game “Tower of Trials”. However, as the game’s popularity declines, it becomes increasingly difficult for him to continue making a living as a content creator. Jinhyeok prepares to end his 11-year-long relationship with the game and say goodbye to his humble group of subscribers. But on that very day, the “Tower of Trials” appears in reality with a message saying that humanity will perish unless all players clear each floor within 90 days. Jinhyeok, who knows the game better than anyone, decides to use his knowledge to his advantage and dominate the tower. It’s time to show everyone what a hardcore gamer can do!
Jin Hyuk ist Streamer und der einzige, der das Ende des Virtual-Reality-Spiels »Turm der Prüfungen« erlebt hat. Da das Spiel jedoch immer mehr an Beliebtheit verliert, wird auch seine Streamer-Karriere immer hoffnungsloser. Doch eines Tages wird »Turm der Prüfungen« plötzlich zur Realität und die Welt steht vor dem Abgrund. Jin Hyuk, der sich im Spiel besser auskennt als jeder andere, wird zwangsläufig zur letzten Hoffnung der Menschheit!
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