Tokyo Revengers: Baji Keisuke kara no Tegami (2022)

東京卍リベンジャーズ ~場地圭介からの手紙~


  • Manga: Tokyo Revengers: Baji Keisuke kara no Tegami
    • Japanese Tokyo Revengers: Baji Keisuke kara no Tegami
      東京卍リベンジャーズ ~場地圭介からの手紙~
      Type: Manga
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 27.07.2022 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: 4+ / 29+
      Publisher: Kodansha Ltd.
      Mangaka: Ken WAKUI Original Creator
      Adapted From: Original Work
    • German Tokyo Revengers: Bajis Brief
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 24.10.2023 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: 1+ / ?
      Publisher: Carlsen Manga
    • French Tokyo Revengers : Letter from Keisuke Baji
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 20.03.2024 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: 1+ / ?
    • Synonyms: Tokyo Revengers: A Letter from Baji Keisuke


Chifuyu Matsuno and Keisuke Baji’s shared past is told in this spin-off of the “Tokyo Revengers” series. After Keisuke’s death in the battle against Valhalla, Chifuyu finds it difficult to accept how things should continue without his comrade-in-arms. After all, as a vice-captain of the First Division, he was directly subordinate to his captain. Then he receives a letter from Keisuke, written shortly before his death, which has a decisive influence on his life.
Chifuyu Matsunos und Keisuke Bajis gemeinsame Vergangenheit wird in diesem Spin-Off der Serie »Tokyo Revengers« erzählt. Nach Keisukes Tod im Kampf gegen Walhalla fällt es Chifuyu schwer, zu akzeptieren, wie es ohne seinen Mitstreiter weitergehen soll. Immerhin war er als Vizekapitän der ersten Division seinem Kapitän direkt unterstellt. Da erhält er einen Brief von Keisuke, geschrieben kurz vor seinem Ableben, der sein Leben maßgeblich beeinflusst.
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