Kitsutsuki Tanteidokoro (2020)



Here you can find all kinds of quotations from the manga “Kitsutsuki Tanteidokoro”. If you know of more interesting quotations, feel free to add them using the entry form on the respective character profile.
  • Takuboku ISHIKAWA
    Takuboku ISHIKAWA

    en The reason I write poetry is to give those tiny, faint sparkles around me form, because I want to capture them somehow. And in the center of those sparkles, was you, Kyosuke-san.

    Anime: Woodpecker Detective's Office [Episode 11]
  • Takuboku ISHIKAWA
    Takuboku ISHIKAWA

    en If someone who composes and reads poems is a poet, then what a detective reads is a crime scene.

  • Takuboku ISHIKAWA
    Takuboku ISHIKAWA

    en It seems that those who set their sights on literary goals shouldn’t simply sit on their laurels and put on airs. They need to have a noble spirit, and at the same time they need to understand the desires of the flesh or they won’t be able to create real literature.

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