A Royal Rebound: Forget My Ex-Fiancé, I’m Being Pampered by the Prince! (2022)

Kon’yakusha ga Uwaki Aite to Kakeochi Shimashita. Ouji Denka ni Dekiai Sarete Shiawase na no de, Imasara Modoritai to Iwarete mo Komarimasu. / 婚約者が浮気相手と駆け落ちしました。王子殿下に溺愛されて幸せなので、今さら戻りたいと言われても困ります。


  • Manga: A Royal Rebound: Forget My Ex-Fiancé, I’m Being Pampered by the Prince!
    © 2022 Kuroyuki, Drecom Co., Ltd.
    • Japanese Kon’yakusha ga Uwaki Aite to Kakeochi Shimashita. Ouji Denka ni Dekiai Sarete Shiawase na no de, Imasara Modoritai to Iwarete mo Komarimasu.
      Kon’yakusha ga Uwaki Aite to Kakeochi Shimashita. Ōji Denka ni Dekiai Sarete Shiawase na no de, Imasara Modoritai to Iwarete mo Komarimasu.
      Type: Light Novel
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 07.10.2022 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: 3+ / ?
      Publisher: Drecom Co., Ltd.
      Mangaka: Micoto SAKURAI Author Kuroyuki Illustrator
      Adapted From: Original Work
    • English A Royal Rebound: Forget My Ex-Fiancé, I’m Being Pampered by the Prince!
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 08.02.2023 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: 3+ / ?
      Publisher: J-Novel Club LLC


Amelia is a studious young countess and water mage. Her fiancé, Reese, is the second son of a marquis and wields earth magic, a desirable skill for the agricultural domain that Amelia’s father rules. The couple grew up together and has always gotten along well, so their happy future together seems certain. Yet after Reese enters the Royal Academy of Magic, Amelia loses all contact with him. Although she assumes he’s just busy with his studies, when she enters the academy a year later herself, her classmates inexplicably ostracize her as Reese continues to avoid her. Throughout this confusing ordeal, the isolated and anxious Amelia finds comfort in the kindness of Sarge, the fourth prince, who seems to have taken an interest in her …
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