Mother’s Contract Marriage (2022)

Eommaga Gyeyakgyeolhon Haessda / 엄마가 계약결혼 했다


  • Manga: Mother’s Contract Marriage
    • South Korea Eommaga Gyeyakgyeolhon Haessda
      엄마가 계약결혼 했다
      Type: Webtoon
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 23.12.2022 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: ? / 29+
      Publisher: KakaoPage
      Adapted From: Light Novel
    • English Mother’s Contract Marriage
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 15.03.2023 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: ? / 29+
      Publisher: Tapas
    • Synonyms: My Mom Entered a Contract Marriage, My Mom Got a Contract Marriage


Lyrica is a hardworking 8-year-old girl who has always used her vivid imagination to escape the harsh realities of living in the slums with her neglectful mother. After her mother has a premonition of a disastrous future, she snaps to her senses and devises a plan to provide a different life for Lyrica. But even Lyrica couldn’t have imagined that the plan was to marry the emperor! Now that she has everything she could ever dream of, can Lyrica face reality in spite of her wild imagination?
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