Boundless Ascension (2022)

Na Honja Teukseongppallo Muhanseongjang / 나 혼자 특성빨로 무한 성장


  • Manga: Boundless Ascension
    • South Korea Na Honja Teukseongppallo Muhanseongjang
      나 혼자 특성빨로 무한 성장
      Type: Manhwa
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 17.12.2022 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: ? / 42+
      Publisher: Naver Webtoon
      Mangaka: Shyatan Author 2love Illustrator Fleecy cloud Original Creator
      Adapted From: Light Novel
    • English Boundless Ascension
      Status: Ongoing
      Published: 23.04.2023 ‑ ?
      Volumes / Chapters: ? / 29+
      Publisher: Webtoon
    • Synonyms: Na Honja Teukseongppallo Muhan Seongjang, Boundless Necromancer, The Boundless Necromancer


Seong-yun Han was just a boy when his parents were killed by monsters unleashed during a mysterious calamity called the “Dungeon Break.” Seven years later, Seong-yun is devastated to find that his grinding efforts to become a Hunter, fierce warriors who seek out and destroy monsters, are entirely in vain, as his fighting attributes have not increased at all. Seong-yun’s world flips on a dime when he accepts an invitation to join the Tower of Trials, an otherworldly realm where challengers must overcome trials that pit them against monsters and humans alike.
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