Nagahama to Be, or Not to Be (2023)

長浜To Be, or Not To Be


  • Manga: Nagahama to Be, or Not to Be
    © 2023 Scarlet Beriko, Shinshokan Co., Ltd.
    • Japanese Nagahama to Be, or Not to Be
      長浜To Be, or Not To Be
      Type: Manga
      Status: Completed
      Published: 30.01.2023 ‑ 2023
      Volumes / Chapters: 1 / 5
      Mangaka: Scarlet BERIKO Author & Illustrator
      Adapted From: Original Work
    • English Nagahama to Be, or Not to Be
      Status: Completed
      Published: 22.02.2024
      Volumes / Chapters: 1 / 5
    • German Nagahama to Be, or Not to Be
      Status: Completed
      Published: 06.02.2024
      Volumes / Chapters: 1 / 5
      Publisher: Egmont Manga


Nagisa may look like a delinquent, but he’s just a typical teen trying to figure out what to do with his life. Nagisa’s best friend, Issa, already knows what his passion is: fish! Issa often skips school to work at the Nagahama fish market, and the two friends hang out together near the ocean almost every day. When Nagisa suspects that Issa has a girlfriend, it turns his world upside down. Is Nagisa in love with his best friend? And could his best friend possibly love him back?
Nagahama ist eine malerische Kleinstadt am Wasser. Wellenrauschen und Sonnenschein bestimmen den Alltag, in dem die beiden Freunde Nagisa und Issa groß geworden sind. Kaum etwas kann die Idylle trüben! Doch eines Tages entdeckt Nagisa seinen Freund mit einer fremden Frau, die sich ungewöhnlich vertraut verhält. Hat Issa etwa heimlich eine Freundin gefunden? Und warum kann Nagisa an nichts anderes mehr denken?
Testo della bandella:
Nagisa, al terzo anno di liceo in una cittadina di mare, sorprende il suo amico di infanzia Issa con una donna e ne resta turbato. Anche dopo aver scoperto la verità, Nagisa non riesce più a controllare i suoi sentimenti. Non sapendo cosa fare, gli è sempre più difficile guardare l’amico negli occhi, ma … Cullati dal soffio struggente della brezza marina, due ragazzi scopriranno il significato del vero amore.
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