Premonition (2004)

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A short plot summary about the movie “Premonition” would help many anime and manga fans decide whether they want to watch this show or not. Do you know what “Premonition” is all about? Then feel free to add a description to our database using our entry form. We’re looking forward to your contributions!
Der Rückweg aus dem Urlaub endet in einem tragischen Unfall. Als Vater Hideki (Hiroshi Mikami) während einer Pause einen Zeitungsfetzen studiert, sticht ihm die Todesanzeige seiner eigenen, eigentlich noch quicklebendigen Tochter Nana (Hana Inoue) ins Auge!
Im ersten Moment glaubt er an eine Verwechslung oder einen schlechten Scherz, aber kurz darauf kommt seine Tochter tatsächlich ums Leben! Doch damit hat der Horror gerade erst begonnen. Hideki erscheinen in der Folge immer neue unheilvolle Zeitungsausschnitte. Langsam beginnt er sich in dem Strudel aus Realität, Vorsehung und Wahnsinn zu verlieren …
Descrizione del distributore italiano:
Un uomo assiste impotente ad un tragico incidente in cui perde la vita la figlia. Solo pochi attimi prim, un ritaglio di giornale trovato casualmente descriveva nel dettaglio la morte violente della bambina. Tre anni dopo, sull’orlo della pazzia e devastato dal rimorso, l’uomo è ancora perseguitato da visioni e premonizioni. Nella disperata ricerca di salvare la vita di chi gli è accanto, riuscirà a cambiare il corso degli eventi e il proprio passato?
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More and more movie are legally available through various streaming services. If you know of any new streams for the movie “Premonition,” then feel free to support aniSearch by adding them to our database. You can easily do so via our entry form.


If you want a good first look at something, there’s hardly anything better than a trailer. We think so, too, which is why we would love to show you an assortment of trailers for the movie “Premonition” on this page, if we knew about them. If you’ve already seen one or more trailers for this movie, feel free to enter them into our database, using the entry form.

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Sometimes a screenshot is worth a thousand words and can be an immensely influential factor in deciding whether one likes a show or not. Do you own the movie “Premonition?” If so, feel free to add a couple of fitting screenshots to our database via our entry form and thus support aniSearch in informing our community even better.




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