Wolff VON LINDENAU (Person)


  • Screen Name: Wolff VON LINDENAU
    Type: Person
    Gender: Male
    Occupations: Voice Acting Jobs: 9, Actor: 7


A short description about the person “Wolff VON LINDENAU” would help many anime and manga fans learn more about this person. Do you know what “Wolff VON LINDENAU” is all about? Then feel free to add a description to our database using our entry form. We’re looking forward to your contributions!
Synchronstimme in folgenden Filmen:

John - "Love's Kitchen" (2011)
Herbert Mowen - "Atlas Trilogie: Wer ist John Galt?" (2011)
Daniel - "Jerusalem Countdown - Wenn es kein Morgen gibt" (2011)
Dr. Sadoughian - "Quantum Apocalypse" (2010)
Seamus - "Westbrick Murders - Ihr werdet sühnen" (2010)
Paul Castellano - "Sinatra Club - Der Club der Gangster" (2010)
Herr Bisam - "Die Mumins - Auf Kometenjagd" (2010)
Duncan - "The Clinic" (2010)
Kronin - "Journey to Promethea - Das letzte Königreich" (2010)
Randy - "The Afflicted" (2010)
Vicente Rodriguez - "Vale Todo - Anything goes" (2010)
Vassily - "Perfect Sleep" (2009)
Willie - "The Kid: Chamaco" (2009)
James - "Das Haus der Verfluchten - The Haunting at the Beacon" (2009)
Luiz - "Hank and Mike" (2008)
Fouquette - "Carnera - Der Grösste Boxer Aller Zeiten!" (2008)
Trevor Devlin - "The Lost Samaritan" (2008)
Del - "Audie & the Wolf" (2008)
Santo - "Machine" (2007)
Serge - "Two Worlds - Zwischen den Welten" (2007)
Brogan - "Das Geheimnis der kleinen Farm" (2007)
Steve Saint - "Durch den Tod versöhnt" (2006)
Captain - "Die Fünf Menschen, die dir im Himmel begegnen" (2004)
Ursus - "Quo Vadis?" (2001)
King Henry VIII. - "Geächtet im Namen Gottes - William Tyndale" (1986)

Voice Acting Jobs


Screen Name