Which is the most badass female anime character?

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Which is the most badass female anime character?

Tough as nails, unshakeable and simply unbelievably cool! That definitely describes these 18 ladies. In anime, there are many female characters who have it all. Whether a fierce warrior who fights for justice, a young girl with big dreams or a deadly assassin and mum – they are all badasses. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we would now like to ask you: Which is the most badass female anime character?

Which is the most badass female anime character?
Is it the sword-armed YoRHa android 2B? The idealistic mage Erza Scarlet? The sadistic Esdeath, who nevertheless would do anything for “her” Tatsumi? Or perhaps Mikasa, the strongest soldier in the Survey Corps? The two-gun wielding, cocky mercenary Revy? San, who was raised by a wolf goddess? The assassin Thorn Princess, also known as Yor, the mother of a cute but mischievous kid? Or a completely different one? Feel free to leave a comment telling us who you would consider the biggest badass!
  • 04Esdeath – Akame ga Kill!
  • 8.5% (32)
  • 11Revy – Black Lagoon
  • 29.9% (113)
  • 13San – Prinzessin Mononoke
  • 4.2% (16)
  • 16Shana – Shakugan no Shana
  • 0.8% (3)
  • 19Other (answer in comments)
  • 2.1% (8)

Comments (20)

Avatar: Nobbi#10
Ganz klar Revy, fand sie war ohnehin die krasseste Charakterin
Avatar: MADNESS_NH_97#8
Gut zu wissen dass die meisten hier auch für Revy stimmen. Wobei sie und Seras Victoria für mich ebenbürtig sind.
Avatar: NoNam#5
Hitomi aus Killing Bites
Avatar: Hel Mors#4
Wobei man sagen muss das Tanya eigentlich ein Mann ist
Avatar: AnimePhilosoph#3
Die hier: https://www.anisearch.de/character/7976,hamutz-meseta
Avatar: Jae#1
A Herbivorous Dragon of 5,000 Years Gets Unfairly Villainized-Lingzi
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